Chapter Four- Welcome to Your Wedding Day

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*Thanks to anyone who's reading!*

*Ed's POV*

"Ed! Hurry up! We're going to be late! The limo will be here in two minutes!" Ioko yells at me from the bedroom. I run my fingers through my slightly tamed ginger hair one last time and then open the door that seperates the bedroom from the bathroom. Ioko is standing there in a beautiful dark purple dress. She's the maid of honour, so her dress is purple while the rest of the bridesmades dresses are royal blue. I'm the best man, but that doesn't require me dressing any different than you normally would for a celebrity wedding. 

"You look great!" I tell her, despite the fact that she has the floor length gown bunched around her thighs and is hopping around the room trying to get her heels on.

"Thanks, but are you sure? I really feel like the purple clashes with my hair," She tells me, making a little satisfied noise as finally gets her shoes on and grabs her purse. 

"No. no. It looks fine together, don't worry," I asure her as i follow her out of the hotel room and to the elevators. 

"Okay, well if you say so," She responds as she hits the down elevator button, then the lobby button when we enter the elevator. Once we get to the lobby I follow her as she speedwalks through the lobby, earning some interesting looks from quite a few people. We make our way out the front doors and wait for where the limo is supposed to be; as if on que it arrives right as we stop walking. Someone opens the door from the inside and Ioko and I get in.

"Hello!" the rest of the the bridesmaids and groomsmen shout as soon as both of us are in the vehicle.

"You guys were our last pick up, so now we're headed for the beach," Niall says, mostly to Ioko since he doesn't know how I am going to react to him, we had a falling out a little under a year ago and now neither of us are quite willing to get over it. After about ten minutes of laughing and chattting in the limo, we arrive at the private beach Harry had rented for the occasion. The entire group, which includes twenty-four people, steps out of the limo and the ushers Harry also hired take us to the building we'll be walking from when the wedding processional begins.

After even more waiting, someone comes to get Ioko and I so we can do that whole pep talk you look great don't worry thing people do before weddings. After we take care of that, yet another person comes and tells us it's time to line up. Ioko and I in the back, as we are the last ones to walk in before Emily and her dad. First it's the flower girl, then the ring bearer, then the mothers of the bride and groom, then all of the bridesmaids and groomsmen, two at a time of course, then Ioko and I, and finally Emily and her father. Once Ioko and I get up to the altar, we part ways, her to the left to stand next to Emily and myself to the right, to stand next to Harry. Harry and Emily both sing and say their vows, it was definitely a unique and interesting concept. Then I sang, Emily had asked me to sing Tenerife Sea, so I did, anything for her. Ioko was originally going to play classical violin at the wedding, but then Emily changed her mind and decided she was going have her perform at the reception instead. 

Finally, the two of them kissed and were officially married. They danced and smiled down the isle, and Ioko and I followed them, us then followed by the rest of the wedding party and then the guests. 

While we were taking wedding party pictures, I kept looking at Ioko and realising how truly beautiful she is. We probably took about  300 pictures and 200 different poses, some were of just the women, then just the men, then the women and men without the bride and groom, then the men and women with the bride and groom, then he family of the bride and groom with the wedding party and the bride and groom, then individual pictures each person in the wedding party with the person the walked with, so Ioko and I , Zayn and Perri. It took a very long time. Then the ended up doing some of me with my guitar, and some with Ioko and her violin. 

Finally, we were all taken back to our hotel so we could change and relax before the reception. Ioko took that time to practice her violin routine.

*Ioko's POV*

"Ed? you need to wake up now so we can go dance and get drunk," I tell him, shaking him awake.

"Huh? oh yea, I'm up, is it already time to go?" He asks me.

"We still have fifteen minutes but you need to get dressed in the reception outfit Emily sent over, don't worry, it's not that bad, you might even like it," I tell him, pointing to the garment bag hanging on the bathroom door.  "I already got dressed, I just need to do my make up, she let us pick our own reception dresses," I inform Ed as I head into the bathroom. A few moments later I hear bedsheets rustle and the garment bag unzip. 

"Ed? are you dressed, can I come out?" I ask, after a moment or two of silence, he respsonds with a yes, so I open the door and grab my bag with my dress in it for my violin performance, yes, this wedding cost me three dresses, but Ed pays well it wasn't a huge dent in my budget. 

Once we were all ready to go we head back down through the lobby and out to wait for the limo again. This time, we had to wait five minutes, and several girls began screaming about Ed. Fortunately the limo arrived at just the right moment, and we hopped in, this was the first time I realised there were security SUVs both in front and behind our limo. 

After maybr twenty minutes of driving, we arrive at the mansion the wedding reception is being held at, and we are announced and sent to sit at the wedding party table, the rest of  the guests had already arrived, so it was pretty packed. after a few minutes, Emily and Harry are announced as Mr. and Mrs. Styles, and they come into the room, Emily in her reception dress. After the food is served, I head into the bathroom to change for my performance. After doing that I go back to the reception area, put my bag back behind my chair, and grab my violin. I make my way to Emily and ask her if I should start. She says yes, and gets the DJ to announce me. 

After I performed, I didn't mess uo once, not even the dancing, I quickly made my way back to my seat so I could change back into my reception dress. After i come back, Ed looks at me in what i could only call amazement.

"I had no clue you could do that," he tells me.

"yeah, uh, well I can," I say and laugh a bit, not sure how to respond. There's a slighlty awkward moment between the two of us, but then we go back to eating and chatting with all the people at our table. 

We spend the whole night dancing and drinking, although Ed does significantly more of the latter. At some point in the night, I am approached by a man who works for a record company, he gives me his card and tells me to call him. I internally freak out, because this is what my band and I have been waiting for. Ed and I make our way back to our hotel around two in the morning and quickly collapse into bed, both of us very happy and drunk.

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