So You Wanna Be An... Assistant Editor at O, The Oprah Magazine

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Original interview taken from The Write Life Magazine:

 Each month we bring you a writing professional and quiz them about their daily life, their path to here, and advice for aspiring writers in their field. This month we talk to Abbe Wright, Assistant Editor at O Magazine.

1.     A what, exactly? (Can you succinctly describe what you do?)

I’m an Assistant Editor at O, The Oprah Magazine, which means I do a lot behind the scenes to get the magazine out on stands every month. I pitch ideas for all areas of the magazine and interview and write pieces for the Live Your Best Life section, the Reading Room section and our well packages every month. I work primarily in the books department, so I open 40-50 gallies (uncorrected advanced review copies) every day and spend every moment when I’m not at work – on the subway, at home — reading, trying to find books to cover in O. When I do find one I love, I write monthly book reviews for the magazine, as well as the List of Ten Titles to Pick Up Now. I work with all areas of the magazine, like Photo, Art and Research, to make sure they have everything they need for the layouts or photo shoots and work with the iPad team to get excerpts of the books for our app. I also write original content for and oversee our intern program.

2.     Your path - in a nutshell - to here?

I interned at Philadelphia magazine during the summer of 2006 and then worked for my university’s alumni magazine during my senior year in college. After graduating, I interned at Teen Vogue in the fashion closet and interviewed for two positions there. While I didn’t get those jobs, Conde Nast HR remembered me three months later and called me for a position they had open. I was the Assistant to the Editor in Chief at Modern Bride, Elegant Bride and Your Prom from June of 2008 until the magazines folded in October of 2009. I began as the Assistant to the Creative Director at O, The Oprah Magazine in November of ’09 and worked as his assistant in the fashion and style departments for a year and a half. I transitioned over to our editorial department in June of 2011 and have been here ever since!

3.     Your personal strengths that make you rock this job

I am extremely outgoing and will talk to anyone about anything, which is a good quality in a journalist. I’m a fast reader and love to think about, write about and talk about books. I’m organized and can multi-task well.

4.     This job is perfect for...

Someone willing to go the extra mile, who knows the job doesn’t end at 5pm. Someone who is willing to be equal parts outgoing and social and thoughtful and hard-working.

5.     Don't choose this career path if...

If you don’t thrive in an office environment, if you’re not a team player, if you can’t work on a deadline.

6.     A day in the life

Every day is different – but I’m always reading on my way into the office. The way our schedule works is I’m usually reading for the issue that’s five months out, reviewing books that are four months out, editing the section in the issue that’s three months out, getting iPad content for the issue that’s two months out and writing reviews for for books that are about to be released in the coming month. And then I repeat!

7.     3 positives of the job

Working with some of the smartest, most passionate and creative people I’ve ever met.

Making an intelligent magazine every month that delivers wonderful, diverse content to our readers.

Getting to read the best books before they’re available to the public.

8.     And a negative?

Balancing work and personal life – for me, my work life never really stops!

9.     Advice for getting into the business?

So many people want to get into the magazine business and so, in an interview setting, you really need to stand out from the crowd. It should go without saying that you need to be prepared and do your research, but it would surprise you to learn how many potential interns I’ve interviewed who have never even bothered to pick up a copy of the magazine and acquaint themselves with it.

Check out these wonderful resources:,, ASME Next.

Any job can be a stepping stone job if you think creatively: When I was first trying to break into the industry, I worked at a travel company, but instead of selling spring break packages, I created a magazine from scratch to serve as a marketing tool for the brand. I even constructed it using a three-day Adobe Photoshop trial! When I later showed the finished product during a magazine interview, my interviewer was impressed with my initiative. I carved out experience for myself when there was none.

10. And we've got to ask, have you met Oprah herself?

I have met Oprah, and she’s every bit the inspirational woman you would expect! I am so incredibly lucky to work for her.

Abbe Wright is an Assistant Editor in the Books Department at O, The Oprah Magazine. She was born and raised in Philadelphia, and now lives and works in New York City. Follow her on Twitter at @AbbeWright. Find out more about The Write Life Magazine at, or search for it on the App Store. 

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