A Cup of Coffee (Part 1)

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"It looks like a place that would be held at gunpoint every day its open."

That is what I said the first time I saw The Little Red Cafe. My friends and I were in high school and were walking around the shopping district when it caught Michelle's eye. 

"Let's go get something to drink there!" she said. 

The other girls agreed but I was repulsed by the plain dry-wood walls and run down look. I didn't  know it was being renovated at the time. But I turned my nose to the little cafe on the corner of Orchid Street and said

 "It looks like a place that would be held at gunpoint every day its open." 

I knew those words would immediatly turn my friends off to the idea of going in there. I was right of course. 

Little did I know that if I had walked in there with my friends I would have probably met my soulmate. He was having a cup of coffe with his girlfriend when she blurted out she was pregnant...with another man's child. 

Looking back, I couldn't help but wonder just how many times we had just barely slipped by each other. 

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