Your baby's first vacation!

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You were at home in you and harry's shared flat. Your baby girl was sleeping while you and harry were trying to finish packing your things for the vacation trip. When you guy's finished harry went ahead and put the bags in the car. You were already dressed ready to go. All you had to do was pack all of Darcy's things. You went in her nursery nit trying to wake her, you got out a little suitcase that her grandmother Anne bought her for when we had the baby shower. You put all the clothes that you think she needs in her suitcase for this trip. You had gotten all her stuff together including her diaper bag. You cleaned out most of the clothes she had in her diaper bag you put some in her suitcase. Harry came in the nursery where you were ha wrapped his arms around your torso and told you how much he loves you and Darcy. Darcy then wakes up and starts to cry softly, you pick her up out of her crib and hold her in your arms. 

Lexi: Hi baby girl you sleep well? ( smile at your baby girl)

Darcy: (stops crying and smiles and waves her hands in the air)

You give darcy to harry that way you can put darcy's stuff in the car. You come back in the flat and ask them if they were ready to head off to the vacation spot. 

Harry: Yup! I am baby!

Darcy: (Hides head in harry's neck)

You grab everything that you need like your purse and iPhone, All of you walked out to the car and harry locks the door behind him and turns on the security system. He comes to the car and gets in the driver seat, you put darcy in her car seat and put the pacifier were she can reach it and put it in her mouth. You shut her side of the door and get in on the passenger side. You shut the door and put your seat belt on. You grab your iPhone out of your pocket and unlock it, you decide to play a few games while your on the road. 

Pass the road trip at the vacation spot*

When you guys finally reach your destination you feel satisfied, Darcy sleep the whole way and you wanted to be careful that way you wouldn't wake her, harry grabbed all the suitcases including Darcy's and Darcy's diaper bag. You were so happy to have him help you especially since your 5 months. You go to were harry was and find you guys room where ya'll will be staying for 6 weeks, Harry was already laying down on the big huge master bed. you decide to out darcy on the couch that way you can put up her fold in crib up. You finished putting it up and put her in it with five fluffy pillows, her bottle, pacifier, and a few extra fluffy blankets. You had went in you in harry's master bedroom and saw him taking his shoes and jacket off. 

Lexi: Baby i'm really tired you think you can run me a nice warm hot bath?

Harry: Yeah baby! Can i take the bath with you?

Lexi: Sure if you want to baby.

Harry the jumps up and down like a little 5 year old boy that gotten a piece of candy for doing something right. You giggle at his actions and take off your shoes and jacket, You look in your suitcase and get out some cool, cute , gorgeous pj's that say PINK you had bought it from Victoria Secret right before harry told you ya'll were going on vacation. You get your perfume and panties that also say PINK on it, you also get your deodorant. Then you go in and see what harry is doing in the bathroom you see him dumping a full bottle of soap in the bathtub. You look shock at him. He then turns around and looks at you guilty. 

Harry: Hey baby the bath is almost done and LOOK i put bubbles in it.

Lexi: I can see that baby!

Harry: (then blows some bubbles out and they get all on your nose)

Lexi: Hey that's not fair! ( then pouts)

Harry then laughs and takes his clothes off and turns the water off, You then do the same and let harry get in first that way you can sit on his lap. You rest your head on harry's shoulder and kiss his cheek softly. 

Harry: I love you baby , and  are baby girl, and our new edition coming soon.

Lexi: We all love you too baby 

For the rest of the night you spend time with your baby girl and watch all the movies that you wanna watch. 

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