Going on tour with guys!

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You and your beloved husband were packing your things to get ready for his next tour. You decide not to take dacry because it would be way to hectic and everything would just get out of hand. You guys finished packing and took darcy to Anne's house 6 months she told us that she would be more than happy to watch her for that long. You were on the way to meet the boys at the airport, Arriving at the airport was pretty tough you always had big traffic going on in London. You made it to the airport safely and went inside to meet the boys. They were alright there waiting for you and harry.

Louis: Hi Guys how have you been?

Harry: We've been doing good what about you mate?

Louis: Doing a lot better than i was yesterday with all that sickness!

Harry: Yeah sorry you weren't feeling good yesterday i could have made you some soup but me and Lexi and Darcy was out of town.

Louis: Aww don't worry about it mate. 

Harry: Are you sure mate?

Louis: Yea I'm doing just fine.

Harry says okay and we hear the flight attendant call our flight number. We boarder our plain and sat down and strapped ourselves in. We waited ti'll we were in the air to cuddle. You guys talk and you instantly fall asleep on harry's shoulder. Harry looks at you while your sleeping and smiles to himself. You wake up to someone nudging you. 

Harry: Wakey wakey baby we're about to land.

Lexi: Mmmmm okay baby.

You wake up and go to the bathroom real quick before you guys land. You missed your baby girl already she was your everything so was harry. You cried to yourself and then wiped away your tears you had walked out of the bathroom and then back to your seat. Harry knows that you've been crying by the redness on your face.

Harry: Baby are you ok?

Lexi: No I miss my baby! ( Then you start to cry harder this time)

Harry then pulls you in for a hug, you go into his warm embrace and cry in his chest. He rubs your back and whispers in your ear that everything will be okay. You just cry harder you've never been away form Darcy like this. You really missed her and wanted her with you in her arms.

Flight attendant: We are bout to land in 2 minutes please stay in your seats, Repeat please stay in your seats.

You go out of harry's warm embrace You wiped your face from all the crying you were doing. When you landed you got all your bags and left out of the airplane. When you are outside you see all of the fans screaming for the boys to sign there posters. The guys all waved and went to hug and sign the fans posters. You put the luggage up while the guys were doing that. When you were done you went over there were harry was a fan pulled you over and said.....

Fan: Can you please take a picture with me please!?

Lexi: Of course! (takes the pic)

When you guys are all done you go to the car and wave bye to all of the fans. They run after your car and all you could hear was the fans screaming. 

*Skip car ride to hotel*

When you guys arrive at the hotel harry gets you guy's luggage, You go into the fancy hotel and get you guy's room numbers set up. You and harry get a suite and the guy's told you that they wanted just a regular hotel room. When you were all finished doing that the guy's were ready for the room numbers , you gave them the key and head different ways. You and harry had made it up to your suite and you unlocked the door, harry had put all the luggage by the door and decided you can just pick out your clothes from the suitcase.

Harry: Hey baby wanna go for a swim? It's a pretty day.

Lexi: Sure bay why not! And it is a pretty day.

You and harry change in to something to swim in of course your pregnant but you guy's get to have a private swimming pool. You put your bikini on and get a towel you wrap your hair in a messy bun the way harry likes it. 

Harry: You ready baby?

Lexi: Yup let's go!

You and harry walk hand in hand to the private pool. When you get there you feel harry's hand leave yours you look around and find out that he's already in the pool like a five year old splashing water everywhere. You hear a little voice saying MUMMY MUMMY! you were thinking to your self that this the private pool right? You look up from someone blocking the sunlight you take off your sunglasses and see harry holding your beautiful baby girl Darcy, and his mother right beside him.

Darcy: mama mama mama (reaches arms out for you)

Lexi: (you grab darcy from harry) Hi baby girl i missed

Harry: SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

You kiss harry and hug his mum. Darcy lays her head down on your neck and looks at her silly daddy being childish in the pool. Anne tells you that she has to leave for a few days because of a business situation and that she wouldn't be able to take darcy with her. 

Lexi: Oh no don't worry i can take care of her it's not like i'm in the band and implus i missed her on the way up here. So you go ahead and do what you have to do mama styles.

Anne: Awww Thanks sweetheart harry told me how much you were crying on the way to the hotel. 

Lexi: Yeah it's because you know i haven't been away from her this long.

You and Anne were talking for quite a while ti'll she had to put darcy's clothes in the suite and leave for her plain ride that would take off in about 30 minutes. After she was done we waved goodbye and went back to our suite. Harry unlocked your door and you walked in having darcy in your arms her eyes were getting heavy so you decided to take her a warm nice bath. 

Harry: Hey babe how does pizza and BQQ sound to you?

Lexi: Mmmm Sounds good baby I'ma take darcy a warm bath her eyes were getting heavy.

Harry: Awww Okay baby don't worry i will order the stuff I already know what you want.

Lexi: Thanks baby.

You start the warm bath and put darcy in the small infant tub that harry's mum had bought you for darcy's baby shower. She started to cry softly.

Lexi: Shhhhhhh baby it's okay mama's here. (trying to sooth your baby girl)

Darcy then stops crying and sits there in her infant tub. with the warm water she splashes the water only inside the tub. You get a soft baby towel from her bag and wash her body down with this amazing soap that harry's step-dad bought for her. 

*After the bath* 

You and darcy go in the master bedroom with you guy's matching pj's on. Harry looks back and looks at his 2 baby girls.

Harry: Awwww you guys are matching ! (Then claps his hands like a 2 year old)

You and your baby girl laugh at his actions. Harry had went to the door and got all of your food and drinks. You got darcy's diaper bag that way you can pick what baby food she would like. You and Darcy smiled when you picked out the Banana baby food. She always loved banana's so does harry.

Harry: Here baby let me feed her you eat your food i know that your starving from that long plain ride.

Lexi: Thanks baby that means so much to me(kisses harry on his plump pink lips)

You get your 4 slices of pizza and your BQQ takeout. You eat on the bed were you and your lovely 2 angles are at. When everyone is finished eating and everybody has taken a shower you had put darcy to bed in her pull up crib. You and harry got in bed and had a peaceful night.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2016 ⏰

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