part twenty - promises

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Not everything in life is easy, you can't count on people to stay consistent. To be able to tell you truth all the time or to be faithfully loyal to only you... even after all your mistakes.

Love. It is tricky.

But Tessa loved Max, would continue to love him. No matter how upset he got with her, or how stupid an argument may be between them. It was because of this love that she always thought of going to the next step with him, to want to further her life with him while furthering her education online.

College wasn't going to be easy, the work, yes. But just the cost of it was what worried her greatly, after submitting her FAFSA forms and checking the estimated costs of going to an actual college. She was scared that she'd get into debt or that she'd have to drop out because her funds were too low or she was barely getting by. She didn't want to go through college surviving on eating some nights and not the others, she wanted to be wary of her health. 

So her other option was easy, to just continue online through an online college that would give her the degree she wanted but at a more affordable price.

Plus, if she did it online, she'd have the opportunity to travel around. 

And that would definitely be a plus if she were to have a life with Max. 

Ever since Max had left that dreadful morning back to his base, she felt... miserable. She missed him, she felt so alone and looked forward to the moments at night or during the day that she would talk to him.

In the mornings, she made sure her phone was on her as she got ready for school, waiting for the good morning text that would always brighten her day. 

Just as she waited for the good night message that would make any day, whether it be horrible or dreary, better. 

At times, he was busy, so busy that she wouldn't be able to receive messages from him, but she always sent them. Just so he could see that he was on her mind, and he was on her mind constantly. 

Every day was a long day with out Max, it might seem like she depended on him a lot, and honestly, it was true. 

She hardly had friends, she never went anywhere outside of work and school. Her house was suppose to be her sanctuary, but the constant fights between her parents ruined it for her. 

During the night, she'd wake up, all the time, it didn't matter what time it was. She would just be awake, and she'd lay there, trying to make herself go back to sleep. But sadly, it didn't work for her like it should.

It seemed like the headaches from the accident continued to come back, plaguing her mind, it was the reason she was up a lot at night. She would have these horrible pings inside of her, as if something was stinking her skull on the right side but not the left of her skull. It was nearing the point where it was just unbearable.

But she never resorted to thoughts of ending it all as she had wished to before seeing Max again, instead she only wanted Max. To be able to wrap her arms around him and burrow her head into his chest. Wanting the pain from her head to go away along with the pain that every day sought to bring her.

As the days progressed, they talked more and more, as much as they could. 

They never missed a day.

When they talk started up about promise rings, Tessa, she was overly excited. 

And when her's came into the mail.

Her heart wouldn't stop pounding. Every time she glanced at it, she couldn't look away, not because of how beautiful it was. 

But because of what it meant for Max and her, it meant a life. A promise of a future. Something she could look forward to. Everyday, whether it was tough or saddening, she could look at the ring Max gave her, she could look at his Civil Air Patrol tags around her neck, and she would know. She would know that everything would be alright, because even if he was so far away.

He was so close as well. 

Everyday she would yearn to be with him, to see him, to talk with him and figure out his ever changing moods. To see through his warm blue-green eyes and wonder what thoughts pondered around in that mind of his. 

With time though, she would see him again, would be able to see him and hold him as well. Because nothing would ruin that, nothing would keep her away from being with him once again. 

To be able to see him right now would mean the world to her. 

This promise. This ring of symbolism. Proved to her that nothing was impossible, that with Max, everything would be alright. If she didn't have faith, she had nothing. Even with all the wrong going on in her life and all the difficulties that threatened to stop her from moving in life. 

Max was the good, he was there for her, and above all, she'd never question his love for her. There was proof in the way he acted the way he spoke to her, that he loved her. It was this that she would always see within Max.

It was his love her, his support, that kept her going. That made her want to go to school to complete high school. 

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