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A Great White Pyrenees laying on a dog bed. "Well aren't you the looker." He turned and looked at me, wagging his tail slightly. I walked over and knelt by the bed, letting him sniff my hand. After a few whiffs he rolled his body weight onto me. "Yep, definitely a Pyrenees, Just like my grandmothers." (not kidding she has three of these dogs) I ruffle his fur, trying to see if he has any kind of collar on. He doesn't, but I see that the dog bed had the name 'Francis' embroidered into it. "Alright Francis, let's go." I loop his neck and start to walk only to be stopped by the 300-or-so pound dog. "What?" Francis lays his head back down, and I sigh. "Fine, I'll grab the bed." He barks and get up off the bed so I can grab it, but when I do I immediately trip on the damn thing. "You've gotta be kidding me." I mumble through the floor as I lay there. After a few seconds I hear a whine, and feel a nose nudge the side of my head. "I'm good, let's go." I say grabbing the bed again; only this time it earns a growl, and the bed is pulled out of my grasp by the dog. "What, now you don't want it? Make up your mind!" I say looking at him. Francis snorts before walking for the door with me next to him.

As we reach the outside world Fox comes over. "I see you got him off the bed." "Yep, after tripping over the thing." I growl out, making him laugh. "You have got to be one of the klutziest people I know (Y/N)." I hang my head. "I know, it's not like I want to trip over every possible thing! It just happens." My head whips up, and I point a finger at Fox. "And don't think that I've forgotten the time you tripped over a snake!" His face goes red before nodding. "Touche."

"Well, here's' Francis. Where you want him?" Fox looks from the giant-sized dog to me. "Why don't you take him home. You need some company." I think for a minute before nodding. "Alright then, guess I got a dog now. See you when I come in for my next shift." Fox gives me a half-assed salute before I walk to my truck, and put Francis in the backseat.

~Skip to fall~

I run towards my house through the rain. "Of course my truck has to break down at work, in November, while it's raining." I mumble to myself as I rip open the door and run inside, slipping on water as I do so and landing flat on my back. "Fucking perfect." I hiss as I swat my hand at the door, just missing it. I hear pawsteps galloping towards the front of my house, and turn my head to see Francis. "Hey buddy." He barks, and nudges the door shut with his snout before nudging my hand. I reach up and pat his head. "I'm alright boy, sorry I'm late. Truck broke down." He barks, and I make my way to a sitting position, taking off the treacherous shoes in the process. I sigh and look to the big ball of fur I'd come to love. "It's storming outside and it's cold as balls, movie night sound good to you?" He barks again and leans against my back, trying to help me up. When I get to my feet he walks into the living room while I put in some popcorn and go upstairs to change into dry clothing, shutting the door behind me and locking it for good measure. 'Damn dog making me lock the door to my bathroom so he doesn't walk in.'

When I get the clothing on I open the door just to hear the popcorn go off, and start towards the kitchen. Sadly, I trip on my feet on the second step, and fall the rest of the way down. I hear Francis bark and run towards me as I black out on the stairs.

Francis POV

"Movie night sound good to you?" 'Of course me fleur.' I said but sadly, all she could hear was a bark. (Y/N) Get up and walks into the kitchen to put some popcorn into the microwave while I walk into the living room and grab one of the blankets from the chair, and pull it to the couch. As I hop onto the couch I hear the popcorn go off, and (Y/N) come start down the stairs. After a few steps I hear a loud 'bang' and see (Y/N) land on the final steps. I jump to my paws and bark out her name, and see she's unconscious. I gently grab the back of her shirt, and start dragging her into the living room. 'Sorry mon amour.' I think as walk out the front door, and run down the street.

I stop in front of a house at the other end of the street, and let myself in. Walking into the living room I find the tea-drinking fool sitting and reading a book. I growl and curl my tail, making him jump. "What the bloody hell?" He turns to see me and smirks. "Why how are you today you bloody frog?" I snarl and step towards him and he, realizing that I wasn't in the mood to play games, started walking backwards at the same pace. "What's got you all twisted? Better yet, why did (Y/N) allow you out without her? I know she's a better owner than that." I stop moving forward and just stand there, and he seems to get the idea. "Wait here." He says before running to the basement, and returning with one of his cursed books.

After he turns me back he asks what's wrong again. "(Y/N) fell down the stairs and was knocked unconscious." "Then let's go." He says, running out into the rain with me not far behind.

Timeskip: Reader's POV

As I came to I started to hear voices. I groaned and tried to sit up, only to be gently pushed back onto my bed.

Hold on, bed? Thought I fell on the stairs.

My eyes fly open and I launch myself up into a sitting position, gripping my head from the sudden throbbing. "Easy love, just relax." I turn my head to see Arthur. "Hey man, when you'd get here?" "A few minutes ago. Francis got me and told me what happened." I look at him confused. "Told you? Mind elaborating." After a quick explanation about him turning Francis and the other countries into dogs I sit there for a second before answering.

"You're fucking lucky that I already knew about you being a country and about your magic usage or I'd send you to the damn nuthouse." He laughs. "I guess I am, so I'm going to head home. You might want to talk to the bloody frog." He says before leaving. I nod and cautiously get to my feet and testing my balance. Once I find it I start downstairs, once again tripping. Luckily it was only the last few steps, and I was caught by someone.

"How about we don't have a recurrence of what just happened oui?" I freeze and look up to see a guy with really wavy hair. "I take it you're Francis." The man nods and places me back on my feet. "I take it that Arthur explained everything to you?" I nod. "And he's lucky that I wasn't able to swing at him otherwise he'd be unconscious right now." Francis looks at me, confused. "I already knew that he was a Country, so I figured that there would be more of them." He nods before placing me back on my feet. "But why hit him?" "Because, I have told him in the past that he sucks at magic. I've tried to get him to stop but will he listen? Of course not!" Francis laughs again. "Well for once I am glad he did. I got to meet you because of it." I blush and he captures my lips with his before pulling away far too soon. "Je vous aime (Y/N)." I smile. "I love you too Francis."  

Rescued: HetaliaXReaderWhere stories live. Discover now