7- Imprévue

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Une fois rendue à l'hôpital, Madison se dirigea vers à la réception.
-Excuse me m'am ?
-Yes ?
-Humm, my best friend hit her head on the floor a while ago! Can we see a doctor asap please ?
-Oh yeah, of course, sign this and go wait, the doctor will see you.
- Okay thanks you so much !
- Welcome
- Y/N ? Are you feeling okay ?
- I don't feel really good tbh
- Oh Jesus Christ that not good, I'm gonna take care of you okay don't worry ?
- Okay
Et mes yeux commencèrent doucement à se fermer et après le noir total.
J'entendais des voix de partout, je ne comprenais rien du tout. J'ouvris les yeux et je vis Madison juste a côté de moi endormi.
- Madison ?
- Mmmm, yes ? Y/N ? Oh Lord, are you okay Y/N ???
- Yeah, I'm okay now, what happen ?
- Well, we where waiting and you just close your eyes and fall unconscious on the floor. You hit your head again, does it hurt ?
- No it's doesn't hurt I'm good. When can we leave ?
- The doctor said that if you're feeling better today, we can go I will just have to sign the paper so you can get out.
- Great cause I think I'm feeling better and I wanna get out of here !
- Yeah me too, I'm gonna go sign those paper and we're out
- Okay and thanks you for staying with me Madison
- Don't need to thank me for that honey, I'm here for you and I wasn't gonna let you alone in here, you don't know this city so why would I ?
- Don't know but thank you
- No problem Y/N
Une fois que les papiers fut signés, je pu sortir de l'hôpital. Madison m'aida à m'habiller et m'amener jusqu'à son auto afin que je ne tombe de nouveau.
- Everything is fine over there Y/N ?
- Yep, I'm great
- Let's go, we are going at my house so I can take care of you
- Thank you Madison, I really appreciate it
- Oh it's nothing, all right ya ready to meet my family Y/N ?
- Ready as I ever be !!
- Great here we go !!
Suite ...

Being friend with Madison BeerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant