An Aliance

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I awoke in a slightly familiar room in a bed that gave me deja vu. An arm was slung over me, holding me against someone behind me. I froze.

The room was familiar because it was Levi's.

I was in pajamas that weren't mine.

The owner of the bed and most likely the pajamas was a currently shirtless and possibly pant less Levi.

I was drunk off my ass last night.

What did I do?

Slowly I turned to my "big spoon" and confirmed that it was in fact Levi. It was the first time I'd seen him sleeping. He looked smaller, peaceful. Like he was a child, his resting bitchface was replaced by an emotion I could only describe as solitude. I found myself not being able to look away.

"Don't worry, we didn't do anything." Levi's voice shook me out of my trance.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" I asked trying not to seem too relieved at the fact nothing happened.

He shook his head, "I've been up for a while, I didn't want to move." His arm tightened around me and he nuzzled his face into my neck. The action sent a small pain up my side and I couldn't stop myself from crying out.

"Sorry." Levi's arm left me and he started to get up.

I grabbed his arm and pulled him back down. Laying my head onto his chest, I tried my beast to pin him down. "Stay." Was all I was able to say.

Levi groaned, "It's Wednesday. School."

"We're already late," I said glancing at the alarm clock on the nightstand. "Might as well be super late and have some breakfast."

"What about your dad."

"He leaves before I do, probably doesn't even know I'm gone."

Levi's hand slid up to my head and started playing with my hair. Placing a small kiss on my head, Levi got up. "I'll make some eggs."

Groaning, I got up and chased after him. Sitting on a stool at the island in the kitchen, I decided I wanted some answers, "What happened after I passed out?"

"Well, Petra did the same not long after, Hanji spent basically the entire rest of the night staring at her hand staying nothing but 'how?', but you did miss Mike trying to teach Erwin to do the Macarena. That was pretty funny."

"Oh," I said, "how'd I get here?"

"Well," Levi said as he started cooking four eggs,"I did try to take you back to your place but two seconds after walking through the front door you woke up and started singing 'I kissed a girl' as loud as you could, replacing 'girl' with 'dude' by the way. When I realized there was no way to get you to bed without your dad waking up, I got you here."


That's not it," he said, flashing a small smile, "halfway back here you started crying because you realized teletubbies are called that because they have televisions in their stomachs, and stared screaming about how you want the 'horse to fuck Freckled Jesus', and I had to carry you piggyback style all the way."


"There's more!" Levi pointed a spatula at me, "You started putting your hands down my pants and taking off your clothes. I used the fact you were naked to put some pajamas on you, but you still kept taking your shirt off. I had to button the shirt backwards on you."
I looked down and he was right, my shirt was backwards. "I finally got you to lay down but you wouldn't stay put unless I laid down with you, shirtless, you specified."

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