:/ Behind These Thick-Framed Glasses\: [Chapter 3-2]

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Chapter 3-2

♬ Valerie Brooks ♬

I was still pressed against the man's chest, my hands in the middle of our bodies, only separating us for a few centimeters. I look up to the guy, just as he looked down at me. He smiled, "What?" I asked uncomfortably.

He shrugged, "I just feel like I have seen you before somewhere." He simply answered.

I smiled, "Well, since the mask is not allowing us to see each other's face, why don't you take off yours first?" I suggested.

A smirk appeared on his face, and that's when I noticed that my voice was a little flirty back there. He slowly reached a hand to his mask.


He flipped it up, but never took it fully off. "Trent?" I asked unbelievably.

Trent smiled, "Bingo! You got that one right." He said enthusiastically. "Now, how about taking your mask off, so we will know each other."

I hesitated at first, what if he suddenly noticed that I was Valerie, the nerd, will he come to hate me? It's not like I have a crush on him, he may be handsome but I don't have a crush on him. It's just that, I lied to everyone about my identity, who wouldn't come to hate a liar?

I grappled the tip of the mask gently, and pulled it upwards, but not taking it off. I immediately put it down. I raised a brow at him. Yes, my mask was only hiding my eyes and part of my nose. "Madeline." He answered. "I never thought you will also be here for my birthday." He said with a smile.

"Nikki pulled me over." I said. Which was not a lie. I may said yes willingly, but if I said no, she will just be crying and crying (acting) over and over again until I say yes to her.

"I heard." He laughed. Nikki might've spilled something out the last party. There was a silence between the two of us, until both Nikki and her partner came to us. "Hey." Trent said, fist-bumping with the partner.

Her partner, came to look at me. I smiled at him though I didn't know who he was. "Want to have another dance?" Trent asked me, cutting off the awkward tension between Nikki's partner and I.

"I would love to."

"Great!" Trent smiled, "I feel bad for suddenly pulling you a while ago." He said in an apologetic tone.

I giggled. "Don't worry about that." I said, "though I look small and stuff, I know how to do karate." I joked.

He laughed, "Glad you haven't beaten me up yet."

Something suddenly vibrated from my pocket, yes, this dress has a pocket, which I don't know why it has one. "Wait a second." I told Trent.

I pulled out my phone and click on the message I just received. "I know that you are here in Trent's party. Meet me in the balcony."

I smiled at his message, and clicked to register Cody's number. "Was that important?" Trent asked, resting his head on my shoulder.

"Nope." I answered, "but I just need some fresh air." I said, "kind of hard to breathe in crowded places."

"How about you go out to the balcony first?" He suggested, "I'll wait for you here." He said, after he pointed out directions around his huge house.

I started walking towards the directions Trent has pointed out to.

"Would you like to have a dance?" someone asked from behind. I looked towards the voice.

"Sorry, I got something important to do right now." I told him.

"Just one song." He asked.

"I'm sorry." I muttered and started walking once again, but was stopped when someone pulled my arm. I almost fell on my back, so I turned to glare at the guy who pulled me. "Let go of my hand." I demanded.

"You look hot when you're angry." He smirked and pulled me towards his chest. His arms snaking around my back.

I looked from his shoulder, trying to catch someone's attention, to help me get away from this stinky bastard. He really smells stinky, maybe because of the smell of alcohol. "Drink this." The man demanded, pushing a glass to my mouth and pushing me up, giving me no choice but to gulp everything up.

That's when I noticed that the balcony was standing right in front of me. I started shouting, but one of his men, covered my mouth tightly. "How about we get a room, hottie?"

I wasn't able to hear anything when my world suddenly stopped.

Cody was in the balcony with Nikki, with a smile on both their faces, as Cody leaned down to press his lips on Nikki's.

I wanted to turn my head away, but it was too late. "Hottie is crying?" The man mocked. I wanted to snap at him, but no voice came out. "How about we get a room and I'll give you all the pleasure you want?"

That's when I remembered what our Biology teacher told us. When someone is drunk, they tend to get high on sexual things, so I started struggling. He was starting to get hard down there.

I shouted against his shoulder, although a voice came out, it was a little soft.

"How about you take your hands off my girl?" A familiar voice said.

The man's arms suddenly left and another pair of arms wrapped around my shoulder, and waist, supporting my body weight.

"What's your problem, dude!" The man demanded. "We were just starting to have fun!"

"This is my party and your way of us fun is not allowed in here." Trent snapped.

"Trent." I muttered, patting his arm to get his attention. He looked down at me and I shook my head, "Don't." I mouthed.

He didn't mind me and started battering about other people touching his girl. "Get the hell out of here if you won't stop." Trent demanded, "You can have all those prostitutes out there to give you pleasure."

"Trent? What's happening?" A familiar voice asked. I felt eyes staring down at me. "Madeline? What happened to you?" Cody asked, kneeling down.

"She's drunk, this guy here gave her a very strong one." Trent explained to him, I was lying on the lap of Cody, in between Trent and him.

I reached a hand towards Trent's foot, and I shook my head once more. I let out a weak smile to let him know that I am perfectly okay. Trent nodded, "Bring her up in my room."

Before I knew it, Cody was carrying me bridal-style up the stairs. "I can walk." I told him, "Trent is just over-reacting."

"No thanks. But we are already in his room." Cody answered as he placed me down gently on a bed. He sat beside me, and pulled up the comforter. "Get some rest." He cooed, caressing my hair.

I nodded, although this is my first time being alone in the room with a guy, I didn't mind. And I felt safe. I didn't really have a choice since my eyes are really heavy and is demanding for sleep.

The day after tomorrow is going to be the speed-dating, maybe I would be able to have a rest from all my troubles...

"Cody." I muttered.

"Shhhh..." He answered, shushing me. "Go to sleep."

I nodded and sleep was slowly taking over me.

"I waited for you in the balcony, but no one came."

A/N: Okay... So Elizabeth here! Sorry I haven't updated for sooo long! Internet connection suddenly got cut and stuffs x( But anyways, the past is the past.

What do you think of this chapter? Short? Long? Nice? Comment below and tell me what you think of it so I, no we, can know the things we got wrong into and the parts where we need to improve and stuffs.


hugs, kissed, and poisoned apples,Alexandra Elizabeth

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