Twenty Seven

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Her abuela was no longer in New York. She only knew that because she had gone back to the Ritz a few days after their lunch date and they had confirmed that she had checked out of her room. Demi was glad that she was out of New York and had taken all of the bad memories that she had forced herself to repress with her.

But now she had more important things to worry about, like her half finished fall line and the annual Devonne gala. It was only annual because not only was it a celebration of everything that her company had accomplished in the year, but it was also her birthday celebration. It had been Nick's idea to combine the two when he got tired of paying for her to have a big birthday ball that she never actually asked for.

Needless to say, she was busy. And now that she had Wilmer and Isabella and even more time to spend with her kids, she hated being busy. But that was part of her job and that was what provided her the lifestyle that she had become so accustomed to so as much as she didn't want to, she had to leave them during the early hours of the morning and not return home until late at night.

"Demi, do you want anything to eat?" It was almost midnight. Hence the almost. Since they were putting the final touches on the gala that was supposed to be happening this weekend, when she stayed late, everyone stayed late. No one was allowed to go home until she did and she felt bad about it but they had to get this done. Everything had to go perfectly. It was the first year without Nick and his team helping her plan it and she had to show that she was perfectly capable of putting on a classy yet successful event without the help of her husband...ex husband.

"No, it's too late to eat now." Maybe she had eaten lunch but at this point, she had been at the office for so long that she could barely remember if she really had eaten lunch or if she had just thought that she had eaten lunch. The growling of her stomach told her that she probably hadn't.

She heard Marissa release a deep sigh but Demi ignored it and continued with her work. She had a custom made dress flying in from one of her designer friends in Italy and the menu was all set with the caterers already hired and paid and the guest list was finalized. There was still just so much to do in such a short time and just thinking about it made her grind her teeth together in frustration before the doors to her office swung open and her boyfriend walked in.

"Let's go," he said, grabbing her trench coat - this one was a light yellow jacket that she only wore because it went with her outfit, not because it was cold outside - and walking around her desk to stand next to her.


"Demi, it's nearly midnight. Half of your staff is asleep. You probably haven't eaten since breakfast and you've been here since six. You can come back to it in exactly six hours but you need to come home. So let's go," he said, helping her out of her chair and into her coat. Demi huffed but didn't protest because she knew that he had a point. Nick would've never interrupted her work but Wilmer was different. He interrupted because he cared about her and after the fiasco with her grandmother and running into Nick earlier in the week, she was  more than thankful for him.

"I'm only leaving because I want to, not because you're telling me to," Demi said as Wilmer chuckled and waited for her to lock her office up. As soon as she was finished Marissa hopped out of her chair and ran out of the door with her purse. She obviously knew that she was leaving as soon as Wilmer walked into the office.

They walked out of the receptionist office and as they headed to the elevators, all of her employees looked at Wilmer as if he was the Messiah. Had they really been working for that long? Maybe she should take into consideration that not everyone could just work long hours like she could...

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