Chapter Eight

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Elizabeth was stuck at an in-between. She had told Tom before she would help him learn magic but didn't follow through. But now, some twisted part of her actually wanted to. As he stood across from her in the dusty cupboard, his warm breath gave her chills on her neck.

"I will do it."

He seemed impressed with her answer. "Will you really?"

She nodded slowly.

"I want you to meet me tonight in the Common Room," Tom told her. It wasn't a command like he usually had said things. He looked like he genuinely wanted her to meet him.

"I'll be there," Elizabeth smiled without knowing, which she quickly hid. Tom liked her smile. Her two front teeth were bigger than they should be and it made her different. All of the other girls that had thrown themselves at him were slender, had no flaws whatsoever and were as others would say "perfect." Tom didn't like anyone, especially them. However, he particularly enjoyed Elizabeth. She had small freckles on her cheeks. His chest seemed to tighten when he saw her. One time she dropped all of her books in the hallway; he wanted to help, but he couldn't. He didn't know what he felt but he knew it made him weaker.

"I'll see you tonight," she whispered and then nodded, leaving him alone in the cupboard.

When she got back to the table, her friends scanned her suspiciously. "Why did you go so long?" Melissa wondered.

"The door was jammed," she lied simply as she sat down again.

"Couldn't you have used magic to open it?" Pevlos raised an eyebrow.

Elizabeth realized that was true. "I haven't got my wand on me," she held up her hands and everyone seemed to accept that.

"I should get going, I have to study for the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam," Pevlos stood up after kissing Melissa goodbye. After he was gone, Matilda snapped to realization.

"Melissa! We haven't any dresses!"

Melissa looked confused but then acted surprised, "Oh, no! We don't!"

"Oh, but we don't want Elizabeth to come along on our boring dress shopping trip," pouted Matilda.

"I can take her back to the castle. We can study for midterms there," Joshua stood up, throwing his coat around his broad shoulders.

"Okay," Elizabeth smiled.

The floorboards cracked behind them. They all turned and saw Tom.

"Enjoying ourselves are we?" he sneered, mostly towards Joshua. He looked back to Elizabeth, whose smile unwillingly returned. She couldn't describe why she felt the urge to be around him.

"What are you doing here, Riddle?" Joshua stood closer. Tom towered Joshua by far, but he wasn't as physically strong.

Tom only scoffed, "Watch yourself, Corrington." He shoved past him and drew nearer to the door. As he turned to exit, he gave a small forced grin, no, an upturn of the corner of his lips, to Elizabeth.

"Watch yourself, Corrington!" Melissa mocked in a cheesy low voice, making fun of Tom. The three snickered, but Elizabeth watched through the window as Tom strolled down the street in his long coat.

Elizabeth waved goodbye to Melissa and Matilda as they ran off to the only dress shop they hadn't been to. Joshua opened the door for Elizabeth.

"I hope they find dresses. The ball is rather soon isn't it?" she made conversation.

His eyes strolled over to her, "In exactly a week if I'm correct."

"Yes," she said a bit quietly.

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