Chapter 28

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Tanvir opens the door and her mouth drops to the floor when she sees me.

- Cassandra! she exclaims, making me come in. What’s wrong?!
She tells me to sit down and she gets tissues.

I collapse on the table and cry, cry and cry again. 

- Cass, can you explain to me what’s wrong? She says, sitting in front of me as I lift up my head to wipe away the tears on my face. 
- It’s all my fault, Tanvir… 
- What are you talking about? She ponders.
- Everybody’s going off the rails… 
I explain her what happened at the beach and the fight between Zayn and Liam, not able to contain the tears in my eyes. I really broke under pressure. 

- But Cass, Tanvir says while rubbing my arm to make me calm down as I sniffle loudly. You know that the only way to get ridd of Alexus is to make him marry Maria! When done, he won’t annoy you anymore! You know what to do, why didn’t you just do it as soon as you knew what to do?
- But I don’t want to marry that ghost, Tan! I sob. What if everything goes wrong and that he stays in Louis’ body forever? I don’t know, I’m so scared… 
- The only way to know is to do it… Tanvir replies. But you’re the one who decides to do it or not. You’ll have to choose alone…
I think about what she just told me for a moment. She’s right. It’s the only way to rid of him and I’m the only one who can make him disappear forever… 

- Thank you, Tan. I’ll think about it.
- Do you want to stay for while? Tanvir proposes. Take time to relax before going back there. I’ll make some tea! 


Cassandra comes back at the boys’ house around 9pm. The house is quiet. Very quiet. 

She gets in and closes the door discretely behind her. 

Cassandra climbs up the stairs and walks slowly down the hallway. She looks in every room. Louis is still in his bed. She doesn’t know if he’s still sleeping or not… Harry is sitting on his bed and his typing on his phone. He seems to feel way better. 

Liam’s door is closed but Cassandra hears the sound of the TV and few murmurs. Niall is with him. She walks past Niall’s empty room to look into Zayn’s. He’s not there either. 

Cassandra frowns her eyebrows then turns around. She walks back down the hallway to stop near Louis’ door. Zayn is there. Weird, she didn’t notice him the first time. He’s watching over Louis. 

She gets in a big and gestures to Zayn to come in the hallway with her.

He gets up from his chair and walks to her. 

- Uhm… I wanted to apologize for earlier… Zayn says before Cassandra could even open her mouth to speak. Yelling wasn’t really the best thing to do… We talked to each other calmly after you left and I convinced him not to bring them to the hospital. Are you feeling better now?
- Yes, but it’s not important, Cassandra says with some haste in her voice. I’m still very uncertain about this whole wedding thing… But I think we should really do it even though I’m scared as hell and that everything may include huge risks. 

Cassandra and Zayn keep on sharing their words, not worried that Louis might be hearing.

But Louis hears them talking. 

What are they talking about? Wedding? They want to get married?! But what the fuck is going on?!

Louis feels a wave of anger and aggressiveness taking possession of his body. 


- So you’d be ready to do it? Zayn asks me.
- Well… 
At the same moment, it’s just like a plane had crashed and that a tiger ran away from the zoo. 

Louis jumps on Zayn, grunting like a wild beast, propelling him on the ground and punching his face.

- LOUIS! I scream, suddenly panicked. LOUIS WHAT ARE YOU DOING, LEAVE HIM ALONE! 
Louis turns to me and I can see his white pupils. 

Zayn takes benefits of his distraction to get off of under Louis. 

- That’s what you want to play at? Zayn says, lifting up both of his fists in the air and wiping away the blood pouring out his nose, taken by a huge wave of indescribable aggressiveness. Come near, we’ll play! 
Louis jumps an again on Zayn and punches his face for a second time. 
- Oh you asked for it!!! Zayn yells. 
And immediately, Zayn throws his fist in Louis’ stomach then punches under his chin. 

Louis replies by hitting everywhere and striking Zayn with his knees. 

- ZAYN STOP! I shout, approaching the boys fighting. HE’S POSSESSED, STOP PUNCHING HIM! 
Niall, Liam and Harry just arrived behind me. They’re watching the ruthless fight between Louis and Zayn. 

Louis takes Zayn by the neck and strikes his balls with his knee. Zayn replicates on himself, moaning in pain, and Louis elbows him roughly in the back. 

Harry, Niall, Liam and myself are trying to catch the boys and to separate them but they’re so strong and agitated that we can’t. 

- TAKE THAT! Zayn yells as he punches Louis straight on his nose. AND THAT! 
Louis screams at the top of his lungs and throws himself on Zayn again. Both of them fall backwards and tumble down the stairs. 

- ZAYN, STOP! I cry, feeling guilty for everything, again. LOUIS! NO! 
I hurtle down the stairs with Niall, Liam and Harry and get close to Zayn and Louis fighting. 

- BUT WHAT’S WRONG WITH THEM?! Harry exclaims. 
- Listen, I say as fast as I can, my voice full of tears. Louis is possessed, okay! He’s going to keep on punching Zayn as long as he’s in him! For now, seperate them! 
- WHAT?!?! Liam exclaims. 
Liam and Harry run to Louis and push him on the wall and stabilize him there. Niall and I do the same with Zayn but on the other wall. Both of them keep on uttering insults to each other. 

- Harry! I say, pushing harder to keep Zayn on the wall. Hit Louis in the balls! 
- What?! Harry exclaims. Isn’t he the one hitting me in the balls usually?!?
Harry hits Louis in the balls and his pupils come back to normal. 

- Be careful! I say to Liam and Harry before Louis pukes in front of him.
Zayn is still agitated. 

- Zayn, stop! I tell again, a tear sliding down my face. I think I have some explanations to tell you… 
- Indeed, Harry says. 
- The truth is that I can see ghosts…. I explain. And one of those ghosts that I can see follows me everywhere I go and makes my life a living hell! In reality, this ghost wasn’t such a big deal until I met you. He’s the one who made you those scratches. He’s the one possessing Louis’s body. That’s why he’s always sick. Lately, Louis was acting weird, well that’s because it wasn’t him. It was the ghost. It’s him who put the ice cream all over me, who broke the mirror, who broke the plates, who made me lose my job and he’s the one who ransacked my house. He wants me. He’s using you all to get me… I am so sorry, I never wished for anything to happen… My life is hell… I’m so sorry I inflicted you all of this, it’s all my fault… 

The boys are all staring at me, their mouths wide opened, shocked by my declaration. 

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