Chapter 2

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"Mako is cheating on you."



At first Korra just stood there, unsure if she heard right. Then all of the words came together in her head and holy shit they're sure about this aren't they? She knew Opal and Bo–they wouldn't be telling her this without being absolutely sure.

"What?" Korra asked, unable to get any other words out. Opal decided to answer her.

"Bo heard him on the phone talking cute with some girl. He assumed it was you, but when Mako hung up, he said someone else's name."

"I confronted him about it," Bolin added, "and after some grilling, he admitted that he was dating her."

Korra wasn't sure how to respond. She was experiencing a few different emotions, but sadness and heartbreak weren't among them. No, betrayal seemed to be the prevalent feeling in that moment. Betrayal and rage.

"That son of a bitch..." she murmured, anger beginning to well within her. She didn't love Mako. Hell, she didn't even really like him as more than a friend. He didn't know that, though. That isn't what this was about. She trusted him: he went behind her back and broke that trust.

"Korra..." Opal hesitantly extended a hand and rested it on her friend's shoulder. Korra didn't notice. She was too busy raging internally and plotting to kill her soon-to-be-ex-boyfriend with his own scarf.

"I'm gonna kill him." she grumbled. Bolin's eyes went wide.

"Korra, no! I know it's a dick move on his part, but I can't let you murder my brother."

Korra was going to respond–most likely with a very violent description of what she was going to do–but Mr. Tenzin had just walked in and ordered them all to their seats. She was still simmering as she sat down.

As soon as their teacher turned his back to them, a piece of paper landed on Korra's desk. It was a note, written in Opal's neat script.

I know you're pissed he lied to you, but please don't do anything that'll land you in trouble. You don't even like him like that, anyway.

Korra glanced up at her friend, who was watching her closely for a response. Opal was the only person who knew that Korra wasn't with Mako out of any genuine feelings for the guy. She considered the request and jotted down her answer.

So? He's still a lying weasel. You know I hate being lied to. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't smash his face into the concrete.

Opal read her words and immediately wrote a response.

You can't play softball if you get into a fight.

Korra groaned internally. She was right. If she beat Mako up, Principal Raiko would suspend her from playing and Coach Lin wouldn't be able to save her. Softball wasn't important enough to the school for that, and Raiko hated her anyway. No, she would hav to settle for lashing him with her tongue. Before she did that, though, she needed one more piece of information.

Who's the other girl?

Opal winced upon reading the words. She seemed nervous while writing her reply. Korra waited somewhat impatiently while their teacher droned on about the history of some ancient Asian culture. She'd catch up later. Opal took a deep breath and passed the note back as soon as Mr. Tenzin turned his back. Korra practically tore it open.

Here's the part I dreaded telling you. He's cheating on you with...Asami Sato...

Korra froze. Her eyes shot to her best friend's desk, where Opal was looking extremely apologetic. Bolin chose that moment to glance over at the two, his expression of boredom melting into one of confusion. He glanced between his two friends, eyebrow raised, willing one of them to fill him in. Neither of them paid him any mind. Opal was too busy internally kicking herself for delivering what she thought was a crushing blow to her best friend, meanwhile Korra's mind could only process one thought.

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