When I woke up I couldn't remember anything. I was in a white room and The door had a window so I ran up to it and looked out of the window.
Cost clear. I looked around for something to break the window with. Of course the chair. I took the chair and smashed it against the wall and took a broken piece.
I ran back to the window and smashed the wood against the window. Shatter. I heard some footsteps and rushed but ended cutting my arm on the glass. Damn. I continued anyway trying to ignore the searing pain. I reached out and grabbed the handle and opened the door.
By now the footsteps were louder. They were close by and I need to hurry, but then again I needed to fix my arm. I looked for signs as I started to jogging down the left hallway.

Medical room.

Gun room.

I should really get this treated or it will get infected, I thought. No I need to defend myself first. Then I'll treat my cuts.
I ran to the gun room and grabbed a ak47 and a pistol and some flash bangs and ran back. When I finally reached the medical room I washed it in the sink while I tried not to make any noise, then I put a bandage on it.
The footsteps were growing louder and louder. I hissed and pulled my pistol out of my pocket. I need a bag. I thought. Quickly I searched for a bag and luckily I found a backpack. I stuffed lots of the supplies inside my bag. Then I ran. As fast as my feet would carry me. Soon I was out of breath so I opened a room without thinking and it made a loud screeching noise.
"Over there!" A low mans voice said. "Didn't we check over there all ready?" "Yes but... Look again. I'll go this way."
Why I couldn't remember anything... I dunno. I could remember events but not the faces of the people I was with. Then finally a useful memory popped in my head. I'd learned how to shoot when I was eleven. Why? I still dunno...
I pulled the pistol up to my eye level and got ready to shoot. Oh I forgot to say that the room was the only other way to go. So I hopped in and closed the door. On the other side was a window. I walked up to it only to see a 50 drop off straight into cement.
I froze. Nope I refuse for this to happen.
I looked up from the cement and saw the buildings crushed and destroyed. Zombies? Or something like that?
Someone spoke almost scaring me to death. They said " Game over. We found you. Now you die" the man said. I had two choices jump out of the window and die or get shot and die. Thank you but I'll go with the third.

My gun fired, well acually not mine, but someone else shot. The man fell to his knees and then fell to the ground Dead.

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