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Hello everyone! Yeah, I've been gone for nearly 2 years..? I don't know. Anyways there will be chapters soon. i just have to go back and fix all of the old chapters. They suck. In my opinion anyways. So don't leave there will be updates. Anywho here's a sneak peek of a scene I have in mind. It probably won't go exactly like this though.


Gun shots echoed through the air as the team of young Guardians ducked behind cover. "They are not letting up on those guns!", Jasper stuck his head out from behind the marred rock they were behind, only to scramble backwards when more bullets wizzed by.  "You idiot! Stay behind cover!", Mist screeched. Flare glanced between the two before shaking her head. "Seriously though, why can the villians never use any thing like say teddy bear launchers or water guns?!" Mist whipped around from where she was trying to get a view on the enemy, "Shut. Up. Mercury." Jasper snickered and turned to Emerald. "So, whatcha got for us oh dark and silent one?" 

Emerald scowled at the silver haired flirt, and turned back to the current situation they were stuck in. "Do you want my honest opinion?", she asked them snarkily. "Sure, why not", Jasper turned to Mist as she glared at him, and shrugged. "I say we kill them, and continue on our way.", Emerald glanced at them as she said this. Jasper frowned and turned towards her, "Yeah... we can't legally do that so let's go with option B." 

Emerald let out a frustrated sigh, and pointed in the direction of the gunfire," Flare." The girl turned towards her, "Can you melt their bullets?" Flare nodded but seemed to gesture towards the currently empty air. "They stopped shooting..", Mist glanced around the edge curiously, only to feel a strong push on the back of her legs. She flopped ungracefully into the dust that covered the wartorn street, and tried to get up quickly. She glanced back to see Mercury grinning cheekily at her, "Woops." 

Bullets exploded into the street as the shooters had suddely found one of their targets again. "Mercury you bastard!", Mist tried to duck back behind cover before the bullets found their mark, but the bullets suddenly turned into goop on the street. Mist glanced back only to see Flare holding her hands out, with solar radiation leaking from them. "Now Jasper, take control of it." Jasper grinned wolfishly at Emerald," Sure thing darling." 

The soldiers were confused to see a young man step out from behind some destroyed rubble. He was wearing an odd suit with glowing silver lines slithering through it. He also seemed to have bright silver hair that made the filtered sunlight hitting it look like liquid. He grinned at them as they lifted their SCAR-H's, "Why hello boys! My, don't you guys just look down right lovely today!" The soldiers looked at each other in confusion and shrugged as their commander called out to him, "Put your hands in the hair you scum!" The young man slowly raised his hands in the air while maintaining an air of offense. "Scum? Why, I'm hurt that you would call me that!" The man suddenly gained a malicious smile, "But hey, if you really want my hands in the air...." The guards realized all to late the needle sharp projectiles that raised with his hands. He suddenly chuckled, "Ya know boys, red is great color for you." With that he threw his hands forward. 


and that's a wrap! Hey by the way go check out Shattered's book his go along side mine. I know I've explained this before so just go check it out if you feel like it. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2016 ⏰

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