October 2nd

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" EMILY WAKE UP YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE!" My mom said while screaming at the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm up!" I screamed back. I sat up in my bed and rubbed my eyes so that my vision won't be blurry when I open my eyelids. I grabbed my phone off my nightstand and turned it on. It read 6:35 oh great I'm going to be late!

I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom down the hall I brushed my teeth and washed my face as fast as I could. I ran back to my room and went straight to my closet. I decided to wear just and normal outfit black leggings, a super big warm sweater, and brown leather riding boots.

Thankfully my hair was already straighten from the day before so I just ran a flat iron through my hair for a couple minutes so that it stay straight all day.

I ran down the stairs and almost tripped over my dog, bens.

Bens was 7 year old black lab he was my everything I loved him so much. When I got to the bottom of the stairs I turned around and gave Bens and huge kiss on his head and continued to get ready for school. I ran in the kitchen and grabbed my school bag off the table and grabbed and granola bar and a naked juice from the fridge.

"BYE MOM!" I screamed before opening the front door. "Have a good day" I heard her say coming from her office. When I walked out the door the first thing I could feel was cold air hitting against my face. I looked up in the sky to see grey clouds. Great it's probably going to rain today. I walked down my driveway and onto the side walk. I started opening my naked juice when I heard a engine turn off behind me. I turned around to see a black van and 2 large men in hoodies run out after me. I dropped the juice and granola bar on the sidewalk and run for my life. Thank god I was on the track team so I can run fast but not fast enough. I was tackled by one of the two men and before I could even think I passed out.


So what do you guys think? Please comment and vote! -Alyssa

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