Part 3: With You

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Eira berjalan-jalan di sekitar Seoul.EXO pergi berlatih di studio.Ketika Eira melepasi sebuah kedai roti,Eira sekali lagi terpaku kerana terlihat gadis yang ditemuinya semalam.Eira sengaja makan disitu.

"what special here?"

"we have friendship bread that made by our special chef"

"I want that.Thank you"

Roti...kenapa ...........Eira kembali mengimbau masa lalu.Roti yang berbentuk hati itu selalu dibuat oleh K.Cha_u untuknya dahulu.


Eira sengaja menyergah K.cha_u yang sedang sibuk membuat hadiah hari jadi Eira.K.cha_u cuba menghalang Eira melihat roti itu.

"K. cha_u,lambat lagi ke?"

"nak siap dah"

Roti berbentuk hati yang disediakan dengan penuh kasih sayang diberikan kepada Eira sebagai hadiah hari jadi.

"akak mampu bagi ni je.Kek lain kali ye."


Eira melihat roti dihadapannya.Sebiji macam K.cha_u buat.Eira membuka mulut dan merasa roti itu.Air mata mulai membasahi pipi.Sama!rasanya sama.Eira ingin melihat siapa empunya badan yang menghasilkan roti itu,sekali lagi....gadis itu...

"anyonghasaeyo,Cha Young imnida"

"anyonghasaeyo,Eira imnida"

Kenapa mukanya seperti K.cha_u?Hati Eira mulai melimpahkan sejuta soalan.Dalam perjalanan ke studio EXO Eira memikirkan perkara tadi...'Tak mungkin.'Eira membawa Spicy Rice dan Bubble Tea untuk EXO yang sibuk membuat comeback.Eira datang ke comeback EXO di M Countdown.EXO Luhan,Baekhyun,Chen dan D.O memulakan comeback dengan lagu Miracle in December.Liriknya mengingatkan Eira kepada kenangan lama.Eira yang mulanya menghayunkan tangan seperti yang lain menjatuhkan tangannya sedikit demi sedikit dan memandang lantai.'Jangan nangis,eira'.Eira menghayati lirik tersebut.

I'm struggling to find you who I cannot see

I'm struggling to find you who I cannot hear

I see things that I couldn't see before

I hear things that I couldn't hear before

After you left me, I have grown a power that I didn't have before

The selfish me who has only thought about myself

The me who didn't know your feelings and ignored itI couldn't believe myself that I have changed this much

Your love can still move me like thisIf I just think of you,

I can fill this world with you

Because each snowdrop is one tear drop that belongs to you

But there's just one thing that I can't do and it's to make you come to me

I hope I don't have this miserable power

The selfish me who has only thought about myself

The me who didn't know your feelings and ignored it

I couldn't believe myself that I have changed this much

Your love can still move me like this

Stopping the time, (I) go back to you

I open this book of memories and I open up your page

And in the book I'm in there, in there with you

The small and weak person, because of your love

Just like this for everything (my whole existence)I changed the whole world

The me who didn't know how to be thankful for love

The me who thought that the end was the end

To the image of you who wanted me to be, I fixed myself everydayI think my love will continue on forever

Stopping the time, (I) go back to youI open this book of memories and I open up your page

And in the book I'm in there, in there with you

The things that I met that winter

I'm struggling to find you who I cannot see

I'm struggling to find you who I cannot hear

Lepas rehearsal, Baekhyun mengajak Eira untuk berkenalan dengan sepupunya.

"Cha Young,this is Eira.Our Dongsaeng, Eira,this is Cha Young,my niece"

Eira dan Cha Young bersalaman.Mereka meluangkan masa di Sweet Café.Cha Young memulakan percakapan.

"what colour you like?"

"um...Pu"Belum sempat Eira menghabiskan katanya,Cha Young menyelah

"Let me guess...em...Purple."

Eira mengangguk perlahan.Setiap kali pertanyaan yang diajukan Cha Young,Cha Young meminta untuk meneka dan setiap kali mesti jawapannya betul.

'Who are you actually?' Hati Eira ingin berbicara namun dihentikan niatnya.

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