Chapter 1

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You've always lived a normal enough life... Well, as far as you can live a 'normal' life on a planet where every single little move you make has to be reported about to the head of Hyperion, the one and only Handsome Jack.

Could say that life is easy on Helios, yeah, could say that, but that would be a massive lie, and even if it is the case for some people, those people don't have to work directly under Jack... No, not literally but near enough.

Being the personal assistant of Mr Universe has it's advantages but, according to other people working at Hyperion, it has more cons than pros. In your eyes, it's different, you've always had a bit of a soft spot for that prick that he is. So, you're glad you can work as his personal assistant, never know how things might turn out!

Anyway, as you're making your way down to the cafeteria to have your morning coffee you meet up with a couple of old friends from when you were still doing the 'mainstream' jobs. Rhys, Vaughn, Sasha and Fiona. You've been the desk-jockey with Vaughn, back at Accounting and Credit Control, Maths has always been something you've enjoyed doing and to be doing it with someone as nice and funny as him, well, let's just say he made that miserable job into a lot more enjoyable than it could have been.

Rhys is his best friend and even though he seems like a jerk, he's actually quite nice and nerdy. Sasha and Fiona were recruits from Pandora. Long story short, things didn't exactly work out after a risky Vault Key business or something or other, you never really bothered with the details... So, they decided to come and join the Hyperion 'scumbags', as they called them, and tried to make the best of their new found good state. Well, you've gotta admit it, they do pull of the uniforms really well!

Back to the situation at hand, Vaughn is smiling up at you while gripping Fiona's hand tightly, him and her are an item, everyone knows that. Sasha and Rhys, on the other hand are a bit more mysterious...

"So, how's things? Is it time yet to call you Mrs Universe yet?" Rhys slightly pokes you in your side with his elbow while slightly winking at you. This has been a running joke throughout the whole of the company, that you and Jack should be together.

"Welp, seems like I'm caught! I'll have to call Jack about the fact that everyone knows about it now... I guess that's another 1000 people we have to send invitations to..." You say, reaching for your ear piece.

Rhys' eyes grow wide and the other three just stare, surprised at the scene unfolding in front of them. Your fake smile just fades away, into an annoyed expression. "No, of course not, you idiot!" The others start to laugh while Rhys' expression changes from worried to relieved to confused and then a hearty laugh escapes his mouth as well.

Now standing at the massive steel door separating the 5 of you from the cafeteria, you grab for your lanyard affixed to one of the belt hoops of your trousers but soon realise that there's nothing there. Damn... Probably left it on my desk... The thought flashes through your mind.

But instead of using your physical card, thanks to your robotic arm and ECHO-eye you can always just use your digital ID, so that's what you do, you bring up your ID and scan it in the scanner on the side. The door slides open to reveal a barren assembly hall.

"What? This is weird..." Fiona mutters under her breath.

You take a few steps into the spacious room, stopping at the edge of the steps.

"Guys..." You call behind you to the nervous cluster of friends still at the door. "Hold on to your butts as this is going to be a wild ride..." You smile. "Sasha and Fiona, this'll probably be your first time at this but hey! There's a first for everyone!"

"Yo, peeps! If you're ready to come out of hiding and get this all over with then... By all means please do so! I'm here, I know why you want to do this!" You shout, as this was all targeted at people hidden all around the room. You turn to the guys behind you again. "Get ready to shoot and take hostages..." You whisper as you pull out two invisible SMGs from your thigh mounted invisible holsters.

As you turn back around, you see Peter, the head of Accounting and Credit Control walk towards you.

"Ah, I see you're all armed!" He chuckles as four of his desk jocks join him, they each have different guns, invisible guns, one has a shot gun, one has a pistol, the third has an SMG and the fourth seems to have a double barrel shotgun.

"And you know I'm not afraid to use these... Don't you remember the last time we fought? That's why I left A&CR and became the head's assistant, because you lost!" You chuckle as Rhys, Sasha, Vaughn and Fiona all line up beside you, each with an invisible SMG.

"Well, we're here to take revenge for that, today, settle it once and for all." He states confidently, pulling out two finger pistols from his side holsters. "Let's get this started..." He mutters as he's getting ready to fire a shot to call in everyone else when your ear piece starts to ring.

"Uh... Sorry, that's probably Jack... Can we reschedule this?" He gives you a death glare. "Oookay... Thought so... I'll see what I can do... Yup, I'm here!" You answer after holstering your SMGs.

"Could you be a sweetie, cupcake and come to my office, now?" Jack's voice rings through the ear piece.

"I'm kid of in the middle of something here, give me five mi-"

"Wasn't I clear before, cupcake? My office, RIGHT NOW!"

"Yes, sir." You swallow quick and turn back around to face Peter. "I have to go, but would tomorrow, same time be good with you guys? Ooohkay!! I'll see ya'll here, tomorrow, same time, byeeee!!" You hurry back out the door to get to Jack's office as fast as possible.

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