Chapter 2

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(A/N: Hey, everyone! I know, I know, Chapter 1 wasn't as strong as I was planning it to be but fear not, as from this chapter, things will change. I will concentrate on writing things properly, unlike how I done them in the chapter before! To be honest it was a rushed chapter as I wanted to get it out as fast as possible... Ah well, I hope you guys will enjoy this and won't have a bad opinion of the whole story just because of a crappy first chapter xD Anyway, on with the story!!~SharaRogers-Timea :3)

Rushing through the hallways of Hyperion you realise why you chose to take this opportunity in the first place... 1) because no one says 'no' to Handsome Jack and 2) because, well, who wouldn't want to be the personal assistant of THE most powerful man in the universe?

Plus, you've always looked up to him, wanted to be like him. Well, you never wanted to kill people and you sure as hell are not a megalomaniac; then again, having some power is never a bad thing, but when shit gets real and things start to head down hill, well, let's just say you'd prefer to only rule over someone's schedule than the whole freakin' universe and beyond.

Turning onto the hallway leading to Jack's office, you notice the door opening and see a brunette woman walking out, waving to the inside of the office. As she hands the door over to you and walks past, she hangs her head low, grinning to herself and then rushing off.

"Everything alright?" You ask quite cheerfully, lifting your robotic arm to wave at the man at a long desk in the back of the massive office, in front of an equally as gigantic window, looking out onto the different planets and stars.

"Ah, hello there, cupcake!" The bit too cheery response comes. Uh oh... This is not good... The thought flashes through your head while a smile is plastered across your face.

It's a well known fact around the company that being called into Handsome Jack's office can mean either of three things... One: a promotion, highly unlikely as you've just had one quite recently; two: he has some unsettled shit with you and he'll have to get rid of you if you won't cooperate, you'd probably be thrown out of the airlock or shot where you stand; or three: he needs something to be done as you are his personal assistant, which could quickly lead to outcome Two if not done right.

But if outcome Two would be the case, you would probably be not standing, but laying on the floor in a pool of your own blood by now...

So, outcome Three it is, thank God... Though, his awfully cheery mood is still throwing you off a bit.

"Hey, pumpkin! What's up? Cat's go your tongue?" A low rumbling chuckle echoes through the high ceiling of the massive office. A blank stare is all you can manage towards Jack. "God, it's like talking to a bloody brick wall..." He slightly pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance as his tone changes to a darker tone... He is definitely not known for his patient nature.

You continue your stare as he now jumps up and makes his way over to you with a spring in his steps. "I've heard that you have a certain... Map of the sort..." He mutters, leaning close to your ear.

"And where could you have heard that nonsense from?" You mutter under your breath, slightly squirming under the sudden closeness of the CEO. It was, after all, an everyday thing for Jack to have a sultry attitude towards you, the sort of thing where he flirts but he doesn't really mean it, at least that's what you've always thought... He flirts with everyone, for Christ's sake!

"And why are you questioning me, kitten? Have you forgot-" He chuckles slightly, chocking on his own hilarious words. "Have you for got that I am the one who asks the questions and you are the one who answers? And not the other way around, cupcake!" He snaps a bit more harshly this time as he quickly takes a step back from you. His intimidating stare beating you down, well, at least trying to. Over the last couloir of months you've learned that really, he won't hurt you. He might be a dick and won't show the fact that, actually, he appreciates you but one thing is definite, he would never airlock you.

You just stare up at him, eyes determined face in a so called 'resting bitch-face' position. You slowly raise your right arm, the robotic one, and activate your ECHO-eye to bring up the map from your memory files, all the while not taking your eyes off of his. "This is it."

The statement comes in a monotone voice as a blue hologram of Pandora is projected out of your palm. There's a yellow line leading to different places all across the planet, marking some places like Three Horns Divide and a town called 'Fyerstone'. Jack's eyes slowly trail over to it, breaking the intense eye contact. "I've heard about this place before." You point at a yellow dot near at the start of the yellow line with your flesh hand. "Old Heaven, the story of whatever happened with Rhys and the others down there..."

Jack slightly flinches at the mention of that name, Old Heaven, must have triggered some memories...

"Right..." He claps his hands together. "That..." He chuckles slightly again. "That wasn't that hard now, was it?" And just like that, his mask is back on and he is back to playing the 'nice guy'.

"What could this map lead to?" You ask curiously, examining the points on the map and try to recall that small amount of poor Geographical knowledge that you have about Pandora.

"For all we know it could just be leading to a bandit camp, a trap, pumpkin... But... It also could be..." He trails off, not finishing the sentence. "We're leaving to find out what it is!" The CEO strides towards his office door to leave.

"But what if it's dangerous?" You shout after him, seriously concerned about both your and his safety.

"Come on! Live a little, cupcake! I mean, what's the worst that could happen?" He walks down the corridor from his office with quick strides, with you hot on his heels. "We'll die?" You can't help but nod to that.

"Psssshh... Honey, I'm Handsome goddamn Jack and I'm a fucking hero!" He emphasises this by raising his arms in the air. He then stops in his tracks and turns to you, causing you to nearly run into him. "Heroes. Don't. Die, I. Don't. Die. It's just not possible, kiddo!" He chuckles as he turns back around and continues to make his way down the hallway.

(OK... I already know how I'm finishing this and I just know you guys are going to hate me for it -~-)

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