Blind Beauty | 1

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a/n: this is my first try at fantasy; hope i don't suck! :D


Chapter Uno


            Arlette breathed in profoundly. As always, she was mesmerized by the scent the blooming flowers gave off around her. She danced around a little more. She always liked this place. It was quiet and peaceful. She could hear the little birds chirping softly around her, the wind blowing her fiery, red hair as she twirled around. Doing so, she could feel the tender, tingling sensation of the flowers beside her feet, making her smile. She could hear the children giggle in the distance, running and squealing around.


            The meadow was her favorite place to be. It always gave her the remarkable feeling that she could be in touch with nature and with everything else. She threw her head back, letting the dying sun hit her face and kiss her skin. She could feel its heat, and it sure signaled it was quite hot today. Then, at last, she collapsed, her back touching the ground, and her front facing the sky.

            "Arlette, supper's ready!" Shouted her grandma from the cottage.

            A heavy sigh escaped Arlette's lips, as the opportunity of having free time disappeared in an instant, and then got back up, going through her dress pocket and grabbing her cane. She didn't need it though, she knew her way back, but just so that her grandma wouldn't freak out, she'd gladly use it. She'd gotten the cane from the 'outside' world, where humans lived, when she was younger. She remembered when no witch or healer could find her something that would be able to guide her. That is, until her uncle decided that he would go outside of the Lands, where medication was more advanced.


            Living without a cane wasn't so difficult for Arlette. When she was younger, she could identify almost everything around her without any inconveniences. She could walk through her cottage without tripping, walk through the fields without getting lost... but her mother, as always, wanted the best for her and her sisters.

            There was some controversy, of course; they weren't supposed to get anything from the outside world, but she desperately needed it, as her mother said, and there was no other option.

            She walked towards her family cottage, enjoying the familiarity of it. She had lived here all her life, and she wouldn't want to change it for anything, this place was perfect. It was where her sisters and she grew up. It was where she got to know what a family was like. She could recall all the memories. The laughing, the crying, the hugging...

            Arlette stifled a laugh; back then, her sisters were amazing, always worrying about her, always protecting her from rude, ignorant kids—how the other kids would pout and cry because her sisters had given them a good piece of them. Those were good times, good memories. But it changed– everything did. Because when men started laying eyes on her sisters once they were growing up, Arlette was slowly being pushed back.

At first, she couldn't understand what was happening, but when her sisters explained it to her, the whole thing became crystal clear.

            Stepping into the cottage, and closing the door behind her, she was met by strong scents. She scrunched up her nose at the smell. Too much. What was her grandma cooking? She carefully made her way to the kitchen. The scents becoming slightly stronger the closer she got. Everyone was in the kitchen already; she could hear them—her sisters chatting animatedly, her mom talking to her dad about how he should go somewhere to cure his constant coughing, and her grandma going through the drawers doing Lord knows what.

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