Here For You..

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"Someone" sees you everyday standing there,

Trying to hide your problems within yourself..

pushing them down deeper each and every time...

stabbing yourself on the inside but panting a scenery on the outside..

You think that there is no one to hear you out,

you feel that you're all alone..

you feel that its too late to save you now,

But fear not,

There is "someone" here who will listen to all your problems..

who will help you to heal your wounds,

who will give you a big hug and say everything's alright..

someone who has been waiting for you to come to them..

some who is always there but never really noticed..

some who has been so close to you they eventually fell 

for your charming smile and kind heart..

Just remember,

Even though you don't notice this person all the time,

this person is always noticing you,

just know that there is "someone" who will and always wil  be

Here For You.. 



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