In This story of love,
There is the panda; who is innocent as baby;
We have the snake; who's poison on the inside,sly and smart
at the same time,
Then there is the ghost; always there but never seen,
The ghost and the panda where great friends;
The ghost would always be with the panda and make him feel happy;
Anytime the ghost was sad or had a problem the panda would be there,
their relationship was great as the best of friends,
Some time after, the ghost noticed that the panda had alot of problems,
He wasn't as happy as he always looked;
for there was a mask of pain behind that happy face,
Panda always cried in his cave so that no one would know his true problems;
This made The ghost feel sad for panda; eventhough ghost new about panda
ghost couldn't do anything,
Soon, ghosts feelings for panda turnt into something else in a sense
that panda would have some one to share problems with and panda didn't
need to be alone all the time;
As ghost started to approach panda to let panda know about ghosts feelings,
Along came the snake and changed everything;
The snake changed the Panda's heart and took it for its own;
This made The ghost sad; Eventhough Ghosts friends the sparrows
told the ghost that it couldn't be true ghost knew it was..
Worst still snake was trying to get panda away from the ghost,
But no matter how much the snake tried to push ghost away from panda
Ghost never gave up and was still trying to let panda know
about ghost true feelings,
But Ghost still worries if panda will realise ghosts true love
will snake conquer panda's heart and blind panda's eyes from ghost,
It all runs down to who's love is truer..
Who do you think deserves Panda?
Ghost who's always been there but never actually noticed?
The new comer, the very villianous snake?
Little Girl Big World
PoetryThis book is just short poems and short stories about what I go through everyday and about events that have happened along these 16 years