Chapter 2 - Puppy date

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Baby Blues & Rosy Red

Chapter 2 - Puppy date

Luke Hemmings

"But mister sheep we must go to the zoo if we're ever going to save mister giraffe from being killed!" I squeaked out for the voice of the little humming bird that I was controlling along with the sheep in-between my fingers, "Mister humming bird! We have to strategize a plan first! We can't go there all willy-dilly! Baaaa!" I said lowly as the voice of the sheep.

"Now you listen to me here, sheep, we have to go now or else the animal hunters will have all our animal friend's necks cut off!" I stated angrily in the voice of humming bird and moved it closer to the sheep for it to look like they're having a very heated conversation. "If we do go there without a plan, we'll have our necks cut off too! So shut up and help me think of a plan instead of forcing us to go there just to have death waiting to capture us by our necks!" snarled, mister sheep. 

I quickly reached over to my side and got mister racoon, clearing my throat before speaking. "Well well, if it isn't little humming bird and little sheep." My eyes widened because that was not my voice, "I have been searching everywhere for the two of you, been waiting for the perfect opportunity to grab both of you by your necks." I gasped as I controlled mister sheep. "Oh mister racoon! Please don't kill us! This is all just a game of pretend! Lukey didn't mean for you to come to life to come and kill us! He didn't create you to kill, you were created to be cute and loveable!" cried, mister sheep. 

"Well that's too bad, because I'm going to... capture Lukey too!" I squealed at the feelings of warm arms suddenly wrapped around my waist and tugging me backwards, "Ahhhhh mister sheep and mister humming bird! Haaaalp! I'm getting kidnapped!" I yelped, feeling like a boneless fish as I tried to wiggle away from the predator behind me. 

"I told you, I'm going to capture Lukey too." whispered the predator from behind me. I groaned and huffed before I was turned to face a smirking Michael. I gently pushed him by his chest and pouted at him heavily, "I really thought that the racoon went to life." he chuckled, pressing a kiss onto my forehead before speaking, "I know, baby doll. But I didn't want to disturb you when you play, you're so adorable." Michael cooed as I whined and pushing at his cheek gently.

"Aww don't be mad at me, baby doll, guess where I just came from." Michael hummed, I curiously squared my eyes at him before a large smile moulded my lips. "Did you-" a little yip cute me off and Michael grinned brightly at me, "I did." was all he said before letting go of his grip on my waist and moving a couple steps back. 

I squealed loudly once I saw my little ball of sunshine, "Rian you're back!" I giggled, the little puppy yipping happily as he jumped into my arms. "The vet said that he was a good little puppy while he got his shots." Michael chimed in, gently petting Rian's head before kissing my cheek. I cooed and cuddled the little puppy into my chest, "Who's our good little puppy? That's right you are!" I tapped Rian's cute little noise while Michael laughed at my baby voice before heading to the kitchen to get Rian's food bowl.

I, once again, sat criss cross on the floor, with Rian on my lap this time, and kissed his forehead. Rian is a teacup black pomeranian with the cutest snow white paws, and sometimes, he likes to look outside by the window and when he does, he usually stays there for about an hour just looking before he joins Michael and I with whatever we're doing. I sometimes wonder what Rian is thinking of, like does he wish to have another puppy room mate or does he want to eat cake? 

"Hey, baby doll, Alfie ringed be earlier today and asked us if we wanted to have a little triple date with them." I tilted my head slightly, "Triple date?" Michael licked his lips, walking towards me and squatting down to caress my cheek softly. "Means, you and me, Zoe and Alfie, and Rian and Nala." he explained, my mouth forming an 'o' shape before nodding my head excitedly. "Yeah let's do it! And while we're there maybe we could also start talking about the collab video with them!" I planned out, Michael breathing out a laugh and pecked my nose.

"Of course, Lukey."


"Zoe!" I greeted rather loudly, running towards her and hugged her tightly. "Luke! I missed you!" she said, patting my back before letting go. "Hey mate! Long time no see!" Alfie chuckled, man-hugging Michael while Nala and Rian sniffed each other.

"Alright so Zoe and I reserved a table at this lovely little restaurant that allows pets inside, but that's still going to be a little later from now so we could go walk around first." Alfie announced after we were all done greeting each other. "Sounds good to me, where do you guys want to go first." Michael asked. "There's this park right down this street if you guys want to go there, I heard there's a little festival there right now." Zoe suggested, all of us agreeing and started our walk.

"So guys, you never really cleared it out, but you don't have to answer if you don't want to... are you guys a couple?" Alfie asked, causing Michael and I to look at each other before Michael leaned over to whisper the answer to Alfie.

The tall bloke then looked at the two of us and grinned, "Your secret is safe with us." he giggled, Zoe smiling brightly and wrapped an arm around my shoulders whilst we held the leash for our dogs. "Oh, congratulations, by the way." Zoe whispered before winking and looking straight ahead of us.

When we got to the park, Michael and Alfie immediately ran towards the swings. "They're so silly!" Zoe laughed from beside me, I giggled as I agreed with her before plopping down on the ground and pulled Rian in my lap, Zoe doing the same. "Hullew Nala! I'm so glad to see you again!" I squeaked in a low but cute voice as I made Rian wave his paw at his furry friend. 

"Well hello there Rian, I am certainly glad to see you too!" Zoella spoke in a kind of high and squeaky voice. "We should go there in the sandpit and dig holes!" I, or rather, Rian suggested. "Oh no Rian! We mustn't or else our paws will be dirtied!" Nala gasped, making me giggle slightly. "Oh but we are dogs, Nala! We must act like dogs and have dirty paws, and I have the white paws, you have black paws so yours wouldn't look dirty at all!" Rian persuaded, now licking my arms as he yipped happily.

"Now now, what are you doing my precious little Lukey?" a voice spoke from behind me, I turned around slightly to see Michael walking towards me. I beamed when he plopped down on the grass behind me and made me sit in-between his legs with his arms circling around my waist. Michael giggled slightly and kissed my cheek, just as I heard a snapping sound. We both turned to look at Zoella with a wide grin settled on her perfectly nude coloured lips, "You guys were just so cute that I couldn't help it!" she said before Alfie came and did the same thing as what Michael did.

We talked for a while, just catching up on what we were doing while the puppies played around the flower beds and grass, bonding with each other. Soon enough it was time for us to go to the restaurant to eat our weight in and then Michael, Rian and I found ourselves waving good-bye to Zoe, Alfie and Nala.

"We'll see each other again for the collab! Have a safe trip home guys and today was a lot of fun!" Zoe waved her hand with Alfie stood beside her who was waving Nala's paw for a good-bye too. Michael and I hollered a farewell back before climbing into Michael's pick-up truck.

And off we go back home.


credits to my dear ol' tater-tot Jordan for helping with the idea for this chapter! [ she thought of Luke being all kiddy enough to play with his crocheted animals and the name for their little pomeranian! ]

q.t: why do you think Zoella congratulated Luke?

you guys are in for a ride in this book :--)

I love you all little ones and I hope you're having a lovely day xx

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