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I found this in hidden in one of my folders. Apparently I had written this several moths ago, and forgotten about it. So...Here it is!

Turles stood with his arms folded over his chest beside a bed that held a sleeping figure. He had already removed his armor and was left in a pair of tight fitting black shorts.

He went through a lot of trouble to find this person, and right now he just savored the feeling of finally having him where he was meant to be. Turles rubbed a hand over his jaw with a smirk as he remembered the fight the two had before the saiyan warrior came out triumphant.

After the incident with the Tree of Might, he thought he was dead for sure, but somehow he survived. Turles found a small saiyan space pod, and used it to get to one of the many planets he used as a base of operations.

Thanks to the wonders of saiyan healing, he was fully healed and stronger then ever. He used one of his smaller ships to return to Earth to get his revenge.

Turles concealed his power and landed in a barren wasteland. After he hid his ship, he went Kakarot hunting. He was enraged that the idiot was able to defeat him, and he wanted to make the other saiyan pay.

Turles easily found Kakarot's energy signature, and flew off in that direction. He finally pinpointed the source by a domed house. There, he could see the orange clad man being yelled at by a small woman dressed in purple, while he couldn't make out the words, he knew the woman was enraged with the man.

He was about to launch his attack on his unsuspecting target, but something stopped him. He used his scouter to zoom in on the couple. The woman had a frying pan in her hands and struck the other saiyan in the head.

The warrior knew something like that would hardly hurt a saiyan, but the look in Kakarot's eyes caught Turles's attention. A smirk grew on his face as he continued to observe.

The dark haired female struck Kakarot in the head a few more times while still yelling at him. Turles watched as the idiot pretended to cower under the female's wrath before one last blow hit him on the back of the head.

Kakarot covered the area as he crouched down. The woman shouted at him while flinging her arm out towards the direction of a wooded area, then spun on her heel and marched into the house.

Turles let out a low whistle at the spectacle. The woman had acted a bit like a saiyan, and he had to admit that it was slightly impressive. His dark eyes looked back at the still crouching form below.

Kakarot looked from under his arm after a few seconds, and then straightened up. He bared his elongated fangs at the now closed door before slowing rising in the air and headed off to the woods.

A new unexpected idea came to him as he watched Kakarot fly off. It was obvious that he was feeling his saiyan roots more and more, and he hated how his woman treated him.

May be if Turles offered a way to escape from his harpy, Kakarot would be willing to join with him. After all, the other saiyan was easy on the eyes, and not just because he almost mirrored Turles in looks.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2016 ⏰

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