Chapter Five:

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EDITED Chapter Five:

"We missed you, Spencer," James grinned his infamous crooked grin.  He had a few wrinkles lining his face, but even in his older years, he was sinfully handsome.  His black hair was peppered with gray, combed back and gelled slightly, and his teeth still looked to be real, so no dentures, yet they were white as though they'd just been bleached.

Perhaps they had.

Him and his son looked so much alike it was unreal.  Except  for the eyes.  Harry's eyes were still replicas Lily's. 

Remus, however, wasn't looking too hot.  I imagine it was because of his 'furry little problem' but his eyes danced happily, and a happy-go-lucky smile stretched across his face.  His hair had much more gray than James' but you could still see the original color through the strands. 

"I'd say I missed you too, but it hasn't been nearly as long for me as it has for you guys."

My heart beat was racing, pure happiness flowing through my veins as I looked over each of them three times more.  It was so weird, to have them be here, rather old while I still remained the same age I was when we first met.  I supposed that was how a vampire felt, except they'd have to watch as their friends aged while I just got to skip time.

An awkward silence fell around us and I saw everyone shifting uncomfortably as none of us knew what to say. 

"So, who have you met already?"  Harry questioned, leaning back into the plush sitting chair. 

I thougth about it for several moments, making sure that I had all of the names correct before answering.  "Well.  There was Albus and James Severus, then Rose and Fred.  I also met Cherish Burbage and Scorpius Malfoy." 

I grimaced at the mere thought of Malfoy's playboyish ways before easily transforming my face into fake happiness. 

"They're all great children, but if you ever need help, Scorpius is the one to go to, though I'd never tell his father that," Harry grinned, his emerald eyes twinkling. 

"I'll remember that."

 The question that had been running through my mind since my conversation with Headmistress McGonogall slipped out of my mouth before I could stop it, causing all laughter to die from my friends eyes.  Their eyes lost the sparkle, and the smiles they'd sported only moments ago faded into frowns. 

"Who did Sirius marry?"

After several moments, James turned towards me.  "Her name is Ayla Monet, and he met her eight years after you left.  They dated for a year and a half before getting engaged and married a year and a half afterwards.  I'm so sorry, Spencer."

His arms wrapped around me, but I could hardly feel it.  I just felt...numb.  I wasn't sad, or depressed beyond belief, there was simply nothing. 

It wasn't as if I could be angry about it, Ayla Monet (whoever she was) deserved to be happy and Sirius was the man to make anyone feel happy and loved.  Sirius deserved that happiness too, eight years is a long time to wait for me to come back, there's nobody to blame except myself for that. 

I could've stayed in the past, marry Sirius and have our own team of children running around, but I chose not to.  I chose to come back to my own time, and instead somehow land in the rather distant future.

"It's going to be all right, Spencer."

Remus' words sounded extremely far, as if we were on opposite sides of a field as he yelled, but the meaning behind the words didn't hit where I'm sure he was hoping.  Rather, instead of feeling comforted I simply felt worse. 

It didn't feel like anything would be okay anymore, as if the world was completely out of wack.  It was supposed to be Sirius and I, so now that it's Sirius and Ayla, who'll be with me? 

Nobody, of course.  I was most probably doomed to be alone, but I suppose I could live with that if everyone else could be happy. I wanted everyone to be happy, and if Ayla Monet made Sirius happy then I would be as happy as I could be for them.  

Shaking myself out of my depressing state of mind, I stood up and smiled down at Remus, James and Harry. 

"C'mon, lets get something to eat, I'm starved."

Of course, it was a lie.  I was almost never hungry, but it was a decent excuse to get out of the abandoned room and out into the open where such serious matters couldn't be discussed.  Together, the three adults and I went to the Great Hall, just in time for supper and sat at the Gryffindor table, ready to eat.

It didn't take long for Albus, 'Sev', Rose and Fred to settle around us, as well as two other girls I didn't know. 

"Hi, My name is Lily, but you can call me Luna!" An extremely pretty girl with red curls and blue eyes waved merrily as she sat across from James. 

"I'm Trudy," a tall, thin girl with brown curly hair and chocolate eyes spoke, sounding beyond shy and utterly adorable.  "Trudy Longbottom."

"I'm Spencer Snape, great to meet you both!"  My smile didn't reach my eyes, but it was genuine which was as much as I could give at the moment.

"Spence, this is my granddaughter Lily Luna, Harry's daughter and her best friend, Neville's daughter."

After the introductions were over, I was just about ignored, though not on purpose.  Everyone was excited to be talking to their children and grandchildren, they couldn't be blamed for forgetting I was next to them. 

I stared up at the Professor's table, immediately my eyes zoned in on Sirius who was, at the moment, in a deep conversation with a gorgeous woman next to him. 

"Who is that?" I questioned, after attracting Remus' attention. 

His smile faltered as he stared at his best friend and the woman.  "Ayla Black, his wife.  She took over for Madam Pomfrey."

"She's beautiful."

I knew, without a doubt, that I could never compete and win a beauty contest against her.  Between her and Sirius, I could practically see the love bond between them as they spoke.  There was no competition, I never made Sirius' twinkling eyes shine quite like she was now. 

He was happy, therefore I was as happy as I could get for him.

Remus kissed the side of my head, throwing his arm around my shoulders before pulling me in for a side hug. 

"Thanks, I needed that Remus."

"I'm always here for you, Spencer. Remember that."

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