Chapter Twenty

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Music started to play, and my father and I walked at a moderate pace in time with it.

"You look beautiful, honey!" He whispered.

"Thanks." I replied.

We were about halfway up the spiral and I was getting really excited, but I had no idea what I had to say, or what I had to do!

"What am I supposed to say? Or do?!" I whispered to my father.

"The priest will walk you through the whole thing." He assured.

We reached the top of the spiral and were finally to the top of the cliff.

I started to tear up out of pure excitement and happiness. Luckily I didn't have any makeup on.

When I reached Talon, the priest started to speak.

"We have gathered here today to rejoice in the mating of Kite, and Talon." The priest announced, gesturing to both of us.

"Please give a round of applause to Star and Shadow, for planning and preparing this lovely ceremony." He ordered.

The whole meeting area erupted with the sounds of clapping hands and cheering.

I noticed how high we were. There were speakers way down low, where the people were and there was a small clip-on microphone attached to the collar of the priest's garb, the neckline of my dress, and the collar of Talon's tuxedo.

"Kite, please recite your vow to Talon as you slide this ring," He handed me a small gold ring. "onto Talon's ring finger on his left hand."

I took a deep breath.

"Will you, Talon, take me, Kite to be your wedded wife and mate for better, for worse, in sickness, and in health, in prosperity and need, in wealth and in poor, for as long as we both shall live?" I asked.

"I do." He vowed as I slipped the ring on the ring finger of his left hand.

"Talon, you may now recite your vow while slipping this ring onto Kite's ring finger of her left hand." The priest said while giving carefully handing Talon a gold ring embedded with a diamond.

"Will you, Kite, take me, Talon, to be your wedded husband in sickness and in health, in prosperity and need, in wealth and in poor, for as long as we both shall live?"

"I do." I vowed.

"I now pronounce you as mates! You may kiss the bride!" The priest declared.

Talon pulled me close and kissed me on the lips passionately. I could sense his excitement and happiness emanating from him. I kissed him back and embraced him in a hug. After we kissed, my left hand and Talon's right were still intertwined, so the priest lifted our hands up and faced us to the audience, and the crowd erupted in applause.

Music started to play again as Talon and I started to walk arm in arm back down the spiral of the cliff.

When we reached the bottom, people stood as we walked down the path.

We were walking down the path when I heard a boom sound, and suddenly, a wolf in the audience collapsed.

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