Chapter 4

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I woke up in my bed. I really couldn't remember anything from the night before. All i remember is Jordan breaking my heart, and talking to Jackson. I couldn't really remember what though. Everything just fell apart last night. I was horrible.


My mom had made me breakfast. I was eating with her and i jumped at the sound of my phone looked and saw it was a message from Jackson.

"Hey, if you don't remember what you sai last night it's fine i won't take it personal. ~ Jackson ~ "

I honestly couldn't remember. I knew it ment something because he wouldn't act this way normally at just anything. But I couldn't remember what I had said to him. I texted him back asking what happened. He had called me no later then 2 minutes after i sent the message. He was always quick to respond, no matter what.

I answered the phone and he promptly said " listen you said you'll give me another chance if you don't want to now i understand its no biggy." And i just gasped i couldn't belelive i said that. I must have been so out if it. All i says was "im sorry" and hung up. Of course i felt bad but i couldn't donut again i couldn't take the pain. He took me trough hell why would i do it again. It would be for nothing. I have learned my lesson not to trust to easy. Although why do i keep getting hurt. In not really sure, but it has become okay.


I had finished my breakfast and gotten a shower. My friend and i were going out tonite. We had planed to meet up later. Had a couple if hours before i had to get ready, so called Jackson and asked him to meet me at the park. Im kit sure what im getting my self into. Although i knew somehow it would be worth it.

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