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I grabbed my high waisted jeans, and threw on a black biker jacket. My hair was loose, and my makeup look fine. I felt ready. Or i think so. "Maria, im heading out now" i yelled. Maria is my maid, and she has been my maid for a few years now. She comes in the morning, gets breakfast ready, cleans and leaves. I like having the mansion for my self. "Okay miss Powell" i heard. I ran down the stairs, and got to the door. I opened the door, and the fresh air stroke me. I took a deep breath, and tried to look as strong as possible. Luckily i had som security outside the door, otherwise the papparatzies would be all over the damn garden. The guard drove my bentley up to the front of my door. "Thank you" i said. He nodded, and went back to his spot. I got in the car, and turned the GPS on. I found the message Ralph had sent me, it was a long code, and i pressed it into the GPS. The message got automatically deleted afterwards. The GPS, started the bentley and drove. I didn't even need to drive. I guess my dad knew that i one day would be in the car, looking for TCSP. 45 minutes later, i arrived. Or so i at least thought. The place was a small store. The GPS probably didn't work, i thought. Well thats weird. I got out of the car and walked towards the store. An indian man stood behind the desk, and looked up. "What can i help you with" he said, with a accent. "I came to the wrong address sir, so i just thought i should buy something now when im already here" i said. He had a strange look in his face. "May i hear which address you were supposed to go to" he said. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't just tell him the top secret code. And even if i did, he would think im crazy or something. I smiled. "It doesn't matter" i said. He looked closer, and took his phone op. He searched something on google, but i couldn't see what he searched for. He looked down at his phone, and up at me, several times. "You are Michaels daughter" he said. I got a strange feeling, and nodded. He pressed a code into his old computer, and a door opened behind him. He made a sign with his hands, to tell me to go in there. He could be a pedophile, or a kidnapper, but as dumb as i was, i of course went in there. The place was dark, and there were many books. Behind me i heard the door close. And freaked out. "Hey, get me out of here" i yelled. I kept yelling for a few minutes. I took out my phone and tried to call for help, but of course there were no signal. I turned on the blitz, and look around. There was a old phone. I pressed in the code that Ralph early had texted me. The phone said a weird noise, and the wall with the books, turned around. I jumped back, and was shaking. A big blue room appeared. It was like a room full of glass. I walked into the room, and looked around. There were nothing. Only a door. I tried to open it, but it was too heavy. "Stand in the center, and stay there" a machine voice said. I again jumped, and felt a little freaked out. I walked to the center, and stood there. Blue and red lights hit me, and started running down and up on my body. "Hello, miss Powell. You are not a spy yet, but as soon as you become one, i will call you miss Powell instead of Spy Powell" the machine said. What the fuck, i said, maybe a little to loud. The door opened, and a tall man stood there. He had blond hair, and looked like he was in his 50's. "Hello Madison, my name is Donald, and i was a friend of your fathers" he reached out for my hand, to greet me. I tried to smile, but it was all to confusing. "I know this is all very strange for you dear, but you will get used to this very soon. We have more than a 1000 training-spies, also called TS. You will be one of them. It was not as easy for them to get into this place, as it is for you. So be happy about it. Your training will already start, in a few hours" he said, and looked down at me. I nod, and gave a little smile. He showed me to my room. "This is where you will be staying with your roommate, and from here and now, you are on your own. I will not appear much, but you can always contact my through Ralph. Good luck dear" he said. I smiled back, and he closed the door. The room was a lot smaller than my room at home. There were unpacked bags on the other bed, which i guess is my new roommatte. Or roomie. I threw myself at the small wooden bed, and closed my eyes. I heard the door open, and jumped up. A short girl with, big green eyes and light brown hair appeared. She sent me the biggest smile, i have ever seen in my 18 years of living. "Hello, im Brooke, and im your roomie. Im so excited to get to know you" she said, still smiling. "Hello Brooke, im Madison, and me too" i said, trying to sent her a smile. Not as big as hers, but still a smile. She threw herself on her bed, on the right side. "I know we aren't here for looking at boys, but damn, there are some hotties out there. You should see their best trained spy. He is like a god. His name is Francisco. And i really hope he is gonna be the one training me" she said. I laughed. It was nice to hear someone as positive as her, when my whole day had been negative. "Well, you can never get enough of boys, so i think its okay Brooke, haha" i laughed. She looked at me, and said "You can call me B, so does my friends at home"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2016 ⏰

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