The letter

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"Hello Madison, its dad. I know that i will be gone, when you get this. Im very sorry about everything, but just remember how much i love you. When i was in the 20's i became a spy. I was so good at it. I loved the feeling of rush, and feeling of doing something right. Thats also how i met your mother. She was just as good as me, i was of course a little better. We fell in love, and fought together. Of course it was difficult to keep this spy job from your granddad, but he never found out. Thank god. The only thing he loved, was the Powell company. He wanted me to take over the company when he died. And so i did. But it stressed me out so much. To be the owner of such a big company, and also being spy. It was too hard. But i was in the 30's, so i had energy enough. Of course until when you were born, i changed, and became the owner of the spy agency. Back then it was small, and not like it is now. I rebuild it, and called it Top-Classified-Spy-Program. TCSP. With your mothers death, it all became so much harder. But i knew she was looking down at me from heaven, and hoping the best for us. It wasn't as hard as before, Ralph helped a lot. Without his help, i would not be here. So promise me to always listen to him. He wants the best for you honey. Ralph will be taking over the company, until you say you want it. You will be the real owner of the company. While he will be below you. So you wont have to do much work, other than a few meet ups, and thats only if Ralph cant. But the TCSP wont be yours. It will be Donald Jacksons. He is a great leader, and you can trust him. He might not seem that nice and warm, but he is fair. And if you want to, you can become like us. A spy. I knew right since you were small, that you were like your mother. You used to play with guns, and run everywhere. Of course that changed when you grew up, and became this beautiful fashion icon, that we would see in the papers every day. But i know you still somewhere inside want it. And i want you to be what you wanna be. Not what the society wants you to be. If you choose to become a part of TCSP, nobody will ever find out. No magasins, nobody. You will have to keep it a secret, and you will have protection that keeps that secret from coming out. I hope you choose what makes you happy. I love you very much Madison. Take care of yourself, and remember you can always talk to Ralph. He knows everything too. The mansion will be yours. And so will the rest. One day we will meet again, and im waiting for you to join us up here too. Of course not yet. Grow old, and find love. Be happy. And then we will se each other again. I will say bye from you, to mom. Im proud of you Madison Rose Powell" 


I put the letter on my desk, and looked out of the big window. The little dream inside of me, was growing more. The dream of rush, and love. I knew i wanted it. But was i ready? 

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