The Signs On Their Periods

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//AN: Sorry if you're a guy =^w^=

Aries: Is just pissed at the universe

Taurus: Always hungry, like, more than usual

Gemini: Generally normal, some bad cramps

Cancer: Moody af

Leo: Flirts with anything that moves

Virgo: You wont even know that they're on their period, it's unnoticeable like wtf?

Libra: Crazy happy, it's scary

Scorpio: Happy, pissed, sad, sarcastic, and hungry, in that order

Sagittarius: Calm, but blows up about the smallest things

Capricorn: Stays in solitude until it's over

Aquarius: Paranoid and anxious af 

Pisces: Always crying omfg

Zodiac SignsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora