The Attic

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I stroked the blond hair from my face as I carefully turned the page of my piano book. A shiver went down my spine, as I knew to well my father was frowning at me from a distance away.
"You may go now." He said stiffly.
"Yes father." I closed the piano lid, and my footsteps echoed loudly around the huge empty room. I walked towards the door and as I came within a few metres of my father he stepped back in fear. As soon as I turned the corridor I began to run. Not towards my room like I was supposed to, but to the attic.
A maid squealed in fright as I rushed past her, but she wouldn't tell on me. I'm not sure why everyone seems almost... Terrified of me. Ever since I was, well, a toddler, people have not been close to me. I used to look in the mirror long every day. I didn't see any difference in me, I still don't. I long ago gave up trying to guess what's wrong with me.
Lost in thought, I almost fall over the stairs. Calming my racing heart, I stepped up the ladder slowly, wincing at the creak that echoed around the corridor. The last time I've been alone like this was... I can't remember. But I always promised myself if I had the chance, I would go straight to the places I've never been. I'll start with the attic, then the basement, then fathers study, then mothers spare room, then the creepy caretakers closet, then... The list goes on and on.
My heart beat uncontrollably. I lifted up the door with my hands shaking. I lifted my head through to see...
Boxes. Lots and lots of boxes. It was better than nothing I guess. I began looking through the boxes.
I've never seen anything like what I found.

Sorry this chapters really short! Hope you enjoy it, next time I have a super good chapter planned...

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