Chapter Eins

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*Ellie's POV*

Today is the finally the opening of the carnival Skylar and I have been waiting for. Every year Ashhaven hosts a carnival in the center of the city and during the carnival the slide the city also happens throughout the city. This is our first year attending the carnival so we don't know what to expect. Skylar has already bought early bird tickets for us to attend both so we don't have to worry about waiting in line to get the tickets. We are hoping to leave the house at around 10 am and then go to slide the city before it gets busy, and then head over to the carnival at around 1 pm till the fireworks go off.

It's currently 8 am and I get out of bed to shower, get dressed, apply a small amount of waterproof makeup, grab my beach bag and head over to Skylar's house. She is probably not even done yet; she takes at least 3 hours to finish everything. I knock on her door and surprisingly she opens the door all dressed and ready.

"I can't wait until we get there! I'm going to pig out on all their carnival food." Skylar screeches.

"Okay, I get you're excited but please do not burst my eardrums." I cringe slightly.

We get into my sports car which was worth my 6 years of savings. I felt so proud of myself when I got my baby; she is always protected with my handy car alarm. Skylar and I arrive at slide the city with 7 minutes to spare and we get in without a problem. I change into my bikini and head out to find Skylar before I lose her in the forming crowd. She is standing beside a tall hot guy and is flirting with him trailing her hand over his chest. I roll my eyes waiting impatiently for her.

Minutes pass by and the crowds grow bigger and I am done with waiting for her. I grab Skylar and drag her over to the ­­­line forming to slide through the city.

"HEY, I WAS GETTING HIS NUMBER!" Skylar exclaims.

"Well the line is forming and I want to be on schedule so we can get to the carnival early." I say.

We wait in line for our turn and we are handed a tube. After a few minutes of waiting in line it's finally our turn, we sit in our tube and the supervisors push us onto the tarp. We slide through the whole city with an amazing view, taking selfies and videos throughout the whole slide. At around 12:30 we get changed and head over to the carnival before 1 pm. It was a great decision to buy the early bird tickets because even it was 30 mins until the opening of the carnival there was already a long lineup to get tickets. Yes, we paid more but were totally worth it.

At 1 pm, the gates opened and the ticket sales person came out to start the ticket sales. Skylar and I rushed in and immediately went to lineup for the roller coasters. After 3 hours of fun Skylar decided we go and pig out on carnival food and play some mini-games while waiting for all the food to digest. I ended up winning a giant panda bear and have been hugging it around the carnival ever since. It is around 8 pm now and we've been on almost all of the rides except for the ocean swing. Skylar is too scared to go onto it because all the middle seats are taken up first and she doesn't want to be in the front or the back.

I decide to go on it myself after two hours of arguing back and forth whether she should go on it or not. I come off the ride feeling green and lean over groaning.

"I told you, you just wouldn't believe me when I told you that you would feel like puking your guts out afterwards." She smirks knowingly.

I just groan in response not trusting myself to say anything without vomiting. At around 9pm Skylar made a deal with me, if she went onto the ocean swing by herself sitting in the very back, and I would go on the Ferris Wheel with a random stranger that is in line before me no matter how old and what gender they are. Being the daredevil I am, I agree to the deal. Skylar comes off the ocean swing looking even greener than I was when I came off of it. I end up bursting out and laughing so hard that I start to tear up.

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