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I Kind of like being broken

Im beginning to embrace it.

Believe it or not everyone is broken in some form

It's kind of an unrecognized community

People are always members but some avoid the meetings.

Some avoid it all together.

It's sorta funny how it works when you're broken

you sit at the bottom

Bruised, Scarred, Distraught

It's weird because there are so many people around you

However it's like you have this cloud of darkness over everything good.

You don't realize.

You think you're alone down there

Let me say everyone falls at one point

The bottom is never vacant.

Being broken is horrible, painful.

But I think it does good for me in the end

Yeah it affects how I think, How I look at the world

But that's what I need

I learn everyday with every experience

To help me survive this fucked up world

Each time someone is broken

They learn, They gain from it.

Maybe not what they hoped for

But being broken isn't always the worst thing in the world.

You can see a whole lot from the bottom

Being broken doesn't mean you're done.

Or mean that you failed

It just means now you know

Now you understand

Now you realize what not to do

It just means you have another path meant for you.

When you can see how far you've come

You can see the people below

Who once brought you down

You can see the word for what it really is.

However, when you're at the bottom

You learn and see how far you can go.

You have to look up when your head has weight bearing down on it.

You learn to fight.

How to survive

You learn how to open your eyes and see the world for its reality.

When you're at the bottom

You learn how to see

Its agonizing, but in your darkest hours.

It can be the most enlightening

The bottom molds you,

Teaches you how to get to the top

You cant reach it if you never spent countless nights at the bottom.

Being broken and at the bottom can be completely horrible and terrifying

Well it definitely is

But the only way to leave is to stand up

To reach out

To fight every inch

To strip yourself of the weight of the darkness

Its hard to get out but you are not alone

Reach out and you'll be grabbed

The battle is long, it's tough but the battle is what helps.

It helps you see and realize how amazing life actually can be...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2017 ⏰

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