Early Morning Cuddle

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I woke up to the sun beaming in through the window, I groan and looks over at my alarm clock seeing that it's 7:30 in the morning, ugh, why do I always keep waking up so god damn early. I shake that thought away when I feel a weight around my waist, I look over seeing Louis and I smile thinking about last night's events, he just came back from a family trip up in Maryland and was coming home yesterday, he called asking if he wanted to hang and I happily agreed and we decided having a movie night and staying in would be good since we didn't really feel like going out anywhere. I couldn't help the smile that was starting to form over my lips just thinking about last night, I was brought out of my little day dream when I felt Louis' arm tighten around my waist bringing me against his chest.

"Morning beautiful" he said in his deep morning voice into my ear

"Morning" I say turning around so that I am facing him. I take a minute to look over his features, hair all messy, eyes all droopy, lips a little plump. I couldn't help but reach my hand up to his face and starts tracing the outline of his lips with my fingertips. Louis smiles and kisses my fingertips pulling me closer than ever making me blush.

"What time is it babe?" Louis asked

"7:30" I say now running my fingers up and down his jaw. Louis groans making me giggle as he rubs his face before looking back at me.

"Why don't we just stay in bed and cuddle all day because I'm not doing anything today and I'm pretty sure you don't have anything planned for today either" he says resting his hand on my hip.

"I'm free all day today so I will be more than happy to stay in bed all day with the best boyfriend in the world" I say flashing him one of my best smiles making him chuckle. He kisses my forehead and tucks my head under his chin so that I'm resting on his chest.

"Good because I'm going to cherish this moment for the rest of my life, cuddling in the bed with my gorgeous girlfriend not caring about anything else, sounds perfect" he says kissing my head closing his eyes making me smile blush in his chest. I sigh happily and closes my eyes letting sleep take over us once more as we are wrapped up in each others arms smiling.

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