New Neighbor

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You were in the kitchen baking cookies because you thought why not right, its just you in the house, no distractions, no people, just peace and quiet. You began mixing the batter when you heard the doorbell ring. "Of course......" you thought to yourself before cleaning your hands up before walking over to the front door. You opened the door to see a very handsome young man standing in front of you, piercing ocean blue eyes, brown hair, looks to be the same age as you, quite toned if you ask me.

"Hi, I'm sorry to bother you, I just moved in right next to you and thought I'd come over and introduce myself around the neighborhood, I'm Louis" he says reaching a hand out.

You reach forward and shake his hand back with a small smile "Y/N." He smiles back still holding your hand. You notice and blush before retrieving your hand back.

"So Louis, when did you guys move in?" 

"We just moved in yesterday, we didn't arrive until late last night, didn't think walking around the neighborhood introducing myself at 11 at night would be a normal thing to do" he says adding a chuckle at the end. You couldn't help but chuckle back "Yeah, not many people would like that very much, it's pretty quiet around here to be honest" you explain.

 "Well with me moved in next door it might get a little noisy, I'm known as the hyper child in the family but I'm pretty good and well behaved" he says making you smile "Do I smell cookies?" he asked looking at you with the biggest grin ever. 

"Yeah, I didn't have anything else to do so why not" you say smiling back.

"Mind if I come help, could use some time out of the house, plus I would love to get to know you more?" he asked softly. You just smiled and moved to the side letting him in. He smiles back and takes a good look around as you shut the door gently.

"Lovely home you have here love" he says making his way into the kitchen with you following behind. "Thank you, its not much but its home you know" you explain as he looks up at you and smiles "Home is home" he states before looking down at the cookie batter you started mixing. You walk over to him and begin to finish mixing while he sits down on one of the chairs.

"So tell me about yourself?" he asks breaking the silence. You grab two spoons and give him one as you two begin to scoop the batter placing it on the cookie sheet.

"Well there isn't much to tell, I had a normal childhood up until I turned 18, I moved out and got this house, I work at a coffee shop down in town, I pretty much live alone, I have a best friend but she moved after we graduated high school......"you trailed off too concentrated on putting the batter on the pan "what about your parents.....?" he asks making you stop in your tracks. You knew the question was coming, you were just hoping you didn't have to answer it.

He notices how uneasy you look and then adds on "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, I can see its a very touchy subject for you, I won't pressure you" he says placing his hand on top of yours rubbing the back of your hand soothingly making you smile. "Thank you" you say thankfully before you put the cookie sheet in the oven. You set the timer and turn back towards him.

"What about you?" you ask sitting down beside him. He shrugs "Pretty much the same as you love, not much goes on once you've hit adulthood" he says making you nod "True but I still like to have fun every once in awhile you know"

"Exactly, everyone deserves a little time to themselves, not as much as we would like but still, it counts" You smile nodding before looking around as an awkward silence falls upon you both. You look back over to him and see him looking at you with a smile. You blush feeling your face heat up "What?" 

He shakes his head "Nothing love, your just........very beautiful" 

You blush even more "Well thank you, you're not so bad yourself" you say making him chuckle. You smile feeling him grab your hand.

"I mean it though Y/N, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, I know we just met but I'm already taking a liking to scratch that, I'm already falling for you" he admits making you look at him in slight shock. Here you are thinking about how you started to fall for him but never thought he would feel the same but you were so happy that he does.

He sees the relief in your eyes knowing that you felt the same as well making him smile widely before pulling you towards him and into his lap. You gasp softly as he reaches his hand up cupping your cheek gently as you look down deep into his eyes smiling softly 

"Can I kiss you?" he asks softly 

You just smile cupping the back of his neck and nod. He smiles before leaning in slowly placing his lips against yours. You slowly start to kiss back as your lips start moving together in sync. You both pull away looking into each others eyes as he begins to stroke your cheek. You close your eyes leaning into his touch making him smile even more

"Now I really wish I didn't have to live alone" you explain playing with the hair on the back of his neck. "Well, I have room over at my place and it is a lot bigger than your place but its up to you" he says making you look up at him in shock. "A-Are you asking me to-"

"Yes Y/N, move in with me, I know I just moved in last night and that we just met today but.......I'm falling so hard for you and I don't want to be away from you, not now....not ever" he says keeping his eyes locked on yours bring your lips down to his kissing you passionately. 

You both pull away for air, feeling his heart beating against his chest rapidly as you both catch your breath. "Louis...I......." you trail off as you feel him cup both of your cheeks making you look at him. You see something in his eyes, a mixture of happiness, love and protection.

"I'm falling in love with you Y/N" 

"And I'm falling in love with you Louis" you say making him smile widely before pecking his lips over and over again. He closes his eyes rubbing his nose against yours before you both hear the timer go off. You get up off his lap and grab an oven mitten before taking the cookies out and setting them on top of the the stove so they can cool.

You turn the oven off, suddenly feeling two arms wrapping around your waist making you smile. You lean back against his chest as he lays his chin on your shoulder kissing your cheek.

"Lets go cuddle" you say seeing his eyes light up as he follows you towards the living room but stops when he sees you heading towards the stairs. You look at him and smile " I prefer my bed because the couch is really small" you explain and he shakes his head "Whatever makes you comfortable love" he says as he follows you up the stairs and into your bedroom.

You both walk in as he shuts the door behind you softly seeing a whole bunch of pictures on your dresser. He smiles before turning back towards you as you stand at the foot of the bed watching him closely. He stops in front of you as he grabs your hips pulling you closer to him feeling your arms snake around his neck as he leans onto you making you both fall onto the bed in fits of laughter.

You both get wrapped up in each others limbs as your foreheads touch keeping your eyes on each other. "Be mine?" he whispers softly cupping your cheek once more making you nod.

"I'm all yours" you whisper back as he kisses your lips making you both smile. "I love you Y/N" he whispers against your lips as you pull away looking down at him "I love you too Lou" he smiles as you rest your head on his chest as you both close your eyes letting sleep take over you both.

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