He Proposes

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You were getting ready for your dinner date tonight with Louis. He wouldn't tell you where, he just said its a surprise and to dress nice. You hopped in the shower real quick and got cleaned up. You get out and dry off heading into your and Louis' room and starts rummaging through your guys's closest trying to figure out what to wear. After 15 minutes of looking you finally decided to go with black skin tight dress with one strap. You smile and put it on before doing up your hair and touching up your make-up.

"Babe are you ready?" Louis calls out from downstairs.

"Yeah Lou, just let me get my shoes" you say grabbing your black heels and slipping them on before grabbing your purse and heads out the room. You make your way downstairs and spots Louis as he turns around and smiles up at you.

"You look beautiful baby" he says making you blush.

"Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself handsome" you say making him chuckle and kiss your forehead. Louis grabs his keys and grabs you hand as you two walk out of the house and head down to his car. He opens your door for you and get in thanking him before he shuts it walking over to his side and getting in. He starts the car and you two drive off.

"So, where are we going Lou?" you ask him even though you know what the answer is.

"I told you its a surprise baby" he say with a little smirk making you groan playfully.

"fine.....it was worth a shot anyways" you say giggling to yourself softly. He grabs your hand and entwines your fingers together with his making butterflies erupt in your stomach. 10 minutes later you arrived at the restaurant and found a parking spot close to the entrance.

"I hope you like Italian food babe" Louis says looking over at you and you nod your head.

"I love Italian food, come on" you say excitedly getting out of the car hear Louis chuckle as he gets out and locks the car. He grabs your hand as you two walk up and enter through the double doors and up to the greeter.

"Hi, reservations for Tomlinson" Louis says as the woman looks through the computer and nods checking the name off.

"Right this way please" she says as we follow her to our table, she sets our menu's down "your waiter will be right with you" she says before walking off and we thank her. Louis pulls your chair out for you and you thank him as you sit down and he sits down across from you. You guys look through your menu's and decide on what to get as the waiter comes over. You both order what you want and wait for it to arrive. You take a sip of your water and looks at Louis seeing him staring at you with a smile.

"What?" you ask softly feeling your cheeks heat up.

"Nothing....its just.....how did I get so lucky to have a beautiful woman like you" he says making you blush even more.

"Oh please Louis, I should be the lucky one, I mean look at how many girls are like after you and in love with you.....they would kill to be in my spot" I say softly taking another sip of my water seeing Louis nod.

"I know baby but you're the only one I want okay......nobody else....just you" he says making your heart melt and you smile as he reaches across the table and grabs your hand smiling at you. You both continue talking until your food arrives. You both continue to talk while you eat just enjoying each others company. An hour later you finish and Louis pays for the check and you both leave the restaurant hand in hand.

"That was delicious Lou, thank you" you say swinging your guys's hands back and forth gently.

"Your welcome love but its not over yet" he says with a small smirk as he opens the car door for you and you get in waiting for him. He gets in and starts the car before driving off.

"Where are we going now?" you ask softly.

"To the park baby, your other surprise is there waiting for you" he says making you get all excited again. You feel the butterflies coming back and you mentally slap yourself to keep cool. You arrive 5 minutes later and get out beginning your walk down the path hand in hand. You feel the wind blowing all around you and you look up at the night sky and smiles. You two continue walking until you reach a bench next to the playground on your right a few feet away and you both sit down beside each other keeping your hands together. You lay your head on top of his shoulder as he lays his head on top of your head and hums softly.

"Louis, can I ask you something?" you ask.

"Of course babe, what is it?" he says as you sit up and turn to him.

"What do you see in your future?" you ask wanting to know. Louis smiles and takes your hand kissing your knuckles "well, I see me married to a beautiful wife with 2 or 3 beautiful children, a nice house, a good job, just a happy life babe.....why do you ask?" he asks while he plays with your fingers.

"I was just wondering because I picture my future like that as well" you say smiling up at him making him smile.

"Well, your future just might come true babe" he says before standing up and grabbing your hand "I want to show you something" he says as he walks you down to the end of the path that where an open field is seen. You see Louis look down at his watch and smiles.

"What Louis?" you ask getting excited all over again

"Just watch baby" he says and not even a minute later you see fireworks going off from the little platform that sits in the middle of the field and you gasp seeing all different colors lighting up the dark sky. "keep watching baby it gets better" he says while you continue to watch but didn't notice Louis taking a few steps back and pulling out a little black box suddenly getting nervous. Just as you though the fireworks were over you saw one go off followed by two more and you gasp as it spells out "WILL YOU MARRY ME?" in white. You go to look at Louis but he wasn't beside you and furrow your eyebrows before turning around all the way only to see Louis kneeling down on one knee. You cover your mouth as the tears begin to build up in your eyes.

"(Y/N), we have been together for 4 tears and it has been the best 4 years ever, I don't know what I would do without you baby, your the other half that makes me full, my one true love......when I first met you....something inside me kept telling me to not let you go...and I'm glad I didn't baby, you are different from other girls and that's what makes you so special and precious to me. Your not afraid to be yourself around me, your not afraid to tell me what's bothering you and you are definitely not afraid to kick my ass whenever I piss you off at times but no matter what I will always love you baby girl.....I love the way you let yourself go when a favorite song of yours comes, I love the way my name rolls off your tongue, I love the way your hair flows in the wind, the way it shines in the sun, the way your face glows when your under a certain lighting.....I love everything about you baby and I promise to always be there to love you and take care of you, we may have our ups and downs but what couple doesn't......so baby I promise you that I will love you until the day that I die" he finishes before opening the little box revealing the most gorgeous diamond ring you have ever seen "so (Y/N, M/N, L/N), will you marry me?" he finishes with tears rolling down his cheeks.

You nod your head "yes Louis, yes yes yes" you say through your tears before jumping into his arms happily. He catches you spinning you around happily before setting you down on your feet gently and placing the ring on your finger kissing it gently.

"I love you.....future Mrs. Tomlinson" he says with a cheeky smile making your heart beam with happiness.

"I love you too....Mr. Tomlinson" you say before he leans down giving you a passionate kiss under the moonlight. You both pull apart and smile at one another.

"Well baby, shall we get home?" you ask and he nods grabbing your hand "we shall baby" he says making you giggle as you begin your walk back to the car before driving off home to start your future together.

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