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The rest of the day went as routine as any other.

My phone buzzed. It was Meg.

I know you get off in a few minutes but do you think you could come down and run the booth for a half hour and then close up... My parents are going out to dinner and they need me to watch my brother... They are coming to pick me up now.

I texted her back.

Sure no problem!

What choice did I really have?

Every night the rides would close before the games so people would spend more money on their way out of the park.

The last ride was loaded up but there were still people in line.

I held down the button "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry to announce that this will be the last ride of the night. But come back tomorrow for another full day of fun." There were collective groans in the crowd as people disappointedly walked away.

"Anyways riders, welcome to the steel wolf! You're in for quite the adventure! We ask you to secure any loose items and have fun! Get ready to run with the wolves!"

After the ride finished I left Jill and Dan to clean and lock up the coaster.

Quickly, I made my way over to Meg's booth. "Thank you so much! I'll totally pay you back for this, I promise!" Meg spoke quickly.

"It's honestly, completely okay. You know I'm always here when you need me", I said sincerely.

She responded with a tight hug. "I'll see you tomorrow." and she snatched up her bag.

"See ya", I said, but she was already too far from the booth to hear me.

I sat and ran the game for the few people that stopped by. But then a man, who looked in his late 40's, came by with his girlfriend, who seemed to be 25 or so. The man spoke in a very distinct accent that sounded like he just stepped out of the Bronx. I wouldn't think that a crappy theme park would be a hotspot for date night yet here these two were, both so obviously wasted.

He holds out a five dollar bill "A game for my lovely lady" I went into the cash box and grabbed 2 dollars for change and handed it back. I replaced the sheet of paper and filled the gun with pellets while he slid the change back into the pocket of his old, worn out leather jacket. His "lovely lady" fixed her skin tight dress and picked up the gun. She attempted to aim the gun and when she pulled the trigger I heard the pellets hit the back wall of the tent and not anywhere near the star.

"Let me help you, Bunny", the man said. He positioned himself behind her and put his hands over hers. I had to fight myself not to gag. The girl, "Bunny" cackled as she watched the red disappear. But by the time they ran out of pellets, there was still a bit of red left.

"Go Bunny! You did it!", They both cheered.

"I'll take the big pink bunny", she screeched.

"I'm sorry, but there's still red left. You can pick out a small prize, or try again", I tried to explain.

"What the hell do you mean?! She won!" He demanded. Anger management was definitely not his forte.

"Please calm down sir." I knew there was no reasoning with him but I had to follow protocol.

He grabbed my arm tight. I tried to pull away but that only made him grip harder.

"Please let me go, sir." I tried to keep my voice stern but it really wasn't working.

He grabbed both of my arms and brought me right up to his face.

"My Bunny won", He grunted. His breath reeked of cigarettes and alcohol. I struggled to writhe away from him.

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