Chapter 10

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Jungkook kiss me and I backed away blushing.

His lips were soft.

He look at me and smirk but I could see his cheeks turning pink.

"You're blushing."

"S-so are you."

He sat back down and look elsewhere. It became silent and he then broke the silent.

"So w-who help you get out from that time?"

"David and my parents."

I look away knowing he was sad.

"Jungkook I'll give you a chance to make everything up."


"Mm but only one."

He smile and kiss my cheek.

"That's all I need."

I blush and he left. I sigh and the moon goddess was sitting on the corner of my bed smiling.

"Okay there I gave him a chance happy?"

"Very but you needed to or else you would keep being hurt."


She left and Jungkook came back in bringing a laptop.

"What movie you want to watch?"

We look through the movies until the door open. Stood there was Jiwoon.

Wonder why I haven't seen her in a while?

"Jungkook what are you doing with with t-that thing?"

He rolled his eyes and put his arm over my shoulder.

Take your hand off Jungkook I still haven't allow to do anything else.

He took his off but I let him hold my hand.

"Honey you rejected her and mark me see."

Yes she had a mark but I'm not stupid. Jungkook eyes grew big.

"Stop lying I never did that. Tae I never did that to her I swear."

I thought of something funny.

"You know what Jungkook go to her since you already mark her. I don't even know why I gave a second chance."

He look sad and look like he wanted to cry. He got angry at Jiwoon and she flinch at his glare.

I burst out laughing but stop since my wounds hurt. Jungkook at me confuse but still sad. While Jiwoon rolled her eyes thinking I was crazy.

"I'm not stupid that mark on her neck is a fake and also I was just acting to see what you would do."

Jungkook look down but still felt guilty for mating with her before. Jiwoon glared at me and I smirked.

Hey J-Hope.


Jiwoon is in front of my room claiming Jungkook mark her.

Did she?

No but you can it's fake.

I'm on my way.

J-Hope came and look at the mark.

"Wow this is so poorly done. No one can be that stupid and think this was an actual mark."

He grab her and threw her out of the house.

"So if you do anything to hurt my sister I won't hesitate to hurt you even if you're about to become alpha."

Rejected By My Alpha Bully/MateWhere stories live. Discover now