Karamatsu x Reader || An Orderly Date? || Part Two

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Requested by: @Krematic

|| Terribly sorry for everyone who saw the update!! It was by accident, aaaaa!! ||

Choromatsu laughed nervously, blending himself in the background as he ran off vigorously to go tell the others of the unexpected girl. He had left Karamatsu with the female that had came to meet Karamatsu, so it was okay, in Choromatsu's mind.

His feet had tapped upon the wooden surface of the house and he opened the kimono-like patterned door frame.

"K-Kara.. Has a girl over!"

"Karamatsu has a girl?!?"

They all yelled in sync, standing up with terrified yet angered facial expressions. Even Todo, who pretended to die, had his famous angered expression with his eyes dilating.

"Yes! I mean, ahem, yea. A girl just showed up at the door! She's really really cute, not an ugly one this time!"

"How did he get one before me! I'm the cutest out of all of you! Plus, I'm the only one who socializes!"

Todomatsu declared, he had sure not given this role away to the most painful brother of the family.

Before anyone else could've spoken up to Todomatsu, Jyushimatsu had barged in the conversation, he had eyed across the room and opened his freakishly large mouth.

"Osomatsu nii-san isn't here! Where is he?"

They all froze.

Where.. Was he exactly?

Karamatsu couldn't feel more embarrassed. He was covered in 'blood' all over his magnificent blue pants in front of his dear date. He had to rush out to get his other replica of these pair of pants before the face of his beloved would be absolutely mortified. "Im ready, Kara! Where are w-" "Be right back my honey!~" He pushed his way out of the front of the door and disappeared into the abyss of the house, leaving Osomatsu and you.

Wait.. Osomatsu..?

"Wow, what's wrong with him?"

Osomatsu snickered, pushing his lone finger upon the bottom nib of his nose. His eyes were trailed off into the house, you had took note that he was looking at Karamatsu. His orbs soon made it towards you in a quick flash, making you flinch at the sudden movement. "Eh, so you're the girl that Choromatsu was talking about?" He had bent down, placing one of his hands on his chin and the other upon hips. He took your appearance in and had stopped doing that weird pose of his and stood back to his douche bag looking stature. "He was right! You're really cute, not like that ugly flower Karamatsu was going to get married to last time," He made a raspberry out of his mouth. "Ahh, if only Tokoto would go out on a date with me," He sighed ever so slowly before glancing at you with a devilish grin.

You wished this guy would stop talking for once so you could ask for his name.

"So, what's your name? And what brings you to my home?"

"My name is (L/n) (Y/n). I'm here because I-I want to take Karamatsu out somewhere."

"Darn, I was waiting for you to say that you wanna date me! Whatever, luck isn't on my side today. Anyways my name is Osomatsu. Osomatsu Matsuno."

Was he dumb or something?

"Anyways! Aren't your personalities a bit different for being.. sextuplets? I mean! I thought Karamatsu would have five twins that are like him, isn't it a bit weird for different and unique personalities out of all of you sextuplets?"

There was a long term silence before he actually responded.

"Yea haha! Pretty different, but at least we all have the six same faces, people can't normally tell us apart even after five episodes! Also, can I add on how you know we're sextuplets? You only saw me, painful and Churro anyways."

"Kara actually tells me a lot about you all, although, I wouldn't want to say. But by the way, it's kinda awkward seeing a person with the same face as Karamatsu.."

He made a slight gasp, pushing his hand onto his chest and grabbing it. For dramatic effect, he even added fake tears and placed his other hand on his forehead. "H-how could you," he said with a cough. He soon gulped and made fake whimpers.

"I-I thought we had something special!"

You held in the laughter that almost slipped out of your tongue. Before you could say anything, you heard a nearby voice.

"Heh. My sweet lollipop, I.. can't believe you waited for me."

He looks like he's gently crying but you can't see within those glasses of his. Although, he finally walks over to you and places your right hand into his palm. He kisses it and you softly laugh, patting his head. At the edge of your vision, you see a thumbs up from Osomatsu. You make a smile and looked down at Karamatsu, intertwining your fingers onto his as you laughed at the reaction you had gotten.

"L-let us go, my Karamatsu girl.~ I believe my brother is getting q-quite disturbed!"

Onwards to Part three!

|| I'm so sorry for this slow slow update! I'm actually really worried about my grades this year, so please understand, aaaaa! Btw, there are three parts to this one shot. I'm really happy for those who have waited this long for this poor troublesome writer to write this. I'll see you in the next part!~ ||

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