A hope of Returning Part 2

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While taking the oath, he felt so proud,
She was anxious as it was this emotional strain that would start to crowd.

A fairytale it was for both at first,
But now into a pool of tension she was submersed .

He was trained to be robust,
But slowly was destroyed - her heart's crust.

She wanted him to follow his dream of becoming a soldier.
But all she really dreamt of was forever be able to rest her lovely head on his shoulder.

It was his face which she would wake up to every morning,
Every moment with him she considered a blessing.

At the wedding day she was happy all along.
It was a deep fear of losing each other both had adorned.

He would dream of decorating their future,
But duty would always come first as he was a trooper.

Her only wish was For him to stay forever,
But sadly he couldn't fulfill it as he was supposed be a true defender.

Soon war came calling,
Those lovely memories of them she started reminiscing.
She would sit at the doorstep in a hope of him returning.

A news she had received,
Still there were many reasons for her to be grieved .

A coffin had come to her ,
At that moment she had nothing to infer.

She too felt indebted,
Now for loving him she regretted,
His absence was the only thing on which now she fretted.
It was on his coffin where her life's reason and happiness faded.

(Alternate Perspective)

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