Todays the day

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Chap 1: Today's the day

Today is the day. The day that can, change my life and the way I know it forever.
Today is the choosing ceremony. The day were I will be called into a computer lab and be assessed by Beckett's finest doctors, brain examiners and match makers. Along with representatives from the major jobs like, lawyers, diplomats, Tradies, airline companies and accountants.

I see Andrea. He is walking hand in hand with Alice. I feel a twang in my gut as I see them together. But then he looks at me and I see his face light up with a smile that stretches  from ear to ear, I smile back and wave.
I run up to him screaming my nickname for him "ANDY ANDY ANDY!!!!! TODAYS THE DAY!! TODAY, TODAY, OH ME GOSH, OH ME GOSH!!!! I'M SO EXCITED AND NERVOUS BUT MAINLY EXCITED!!!!!!" He just chuckles at my outburst of emotion and Alice looks at me with scorn and nothing short of hatred!

" Cool!" Andrea says looking at me with those bright green eyes. "I know you want to be a photographer Gin" Alice flinches when she hears Andys nickname for me and tightens her hold on his hand, but he continues on " but don't be to upset if you get something else. They wouldn't put you in another job unless they thought you would do better in it"
The bell rings for the beginning of school and students start to mile around us pushing and shoving us in different directions. I call out to Andy " See ya later alligator" he smile while Alice try's to pull him along " in a while crocodile" he calls back out, I laugh and turn to go to my first class, the dreaded Maths......

Hope you enjoyed my first chapter. Sorry it's a bit short but well o have no excuses I just hope you like.
Stay awesome

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2016 ⏰

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