And So She Returns

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Sure, the last time you had came into this particular cafe, you had a pretty abnormal experience. Having triplets suddenly cut into your coffee relaxation and doing nothing but staring at you had rattled you, so you decided to try the other cafes in the area. None of them really met your standards and so, you find yourself walking passed the large glossy windows that adorn the front of the building.

Like last time, you have your music blasting in your ears all the way until you get to the counter. The girl working the register has blonde hair and seems indifferent to her job. "What can I get you?" She's polite in the way she asks.

"Strawberry frappuccino, please."

"Alright, that'll be three dollars and ninety-five cents." You hand her the cash and patiently wait for your change.  After she gives it back she says, "Please take a seat, we'll have that right out for you." You smile in thanks and drop your dollar and five into the tip jar and walk away.

You hadn't been paying much attention before but when you look around the cafe after taking a seat you notice that the place is pretty empty. In the corner both on the opposite side of the shop you see a pair of blushing girls sitting very close together and giggling softly. You're happy for them and you smile at the sight without thinking about it. 

"Wow, I knew your smile would be pretty but I didn't know it would be so stunning."

The voice startles you out of your admiration of the girls across the way. When you look up, you find the same man from last time slipping into the booth across from you. When you look down you find that he's already placed your iced drink on the table before you. "Surprise isn't too bad either." He winks at the end of the statement.

You feel the way your mouth pulls down in a frown and you swipe your drink off the table and put the straw in your mouth. He leans in, rests his elbows on the table and his face in his palms, than opens his mouth o say something. Before a sound can even leave his mouth, you slurp loudly on the frozen drink, making his eyebrows shoot up in surprise and his mouth close. 

Admittedly, this was not your best idea, having to sit quietly through a brain freeze and watch him pout at being cut off is not exactly the most fun or relaxing way to spend your break. So when the little bell above the door rings, signaling for him to go back to work, you're relieved...

Until you look up and find the same face that's pouting at you approaching the blonde girl and asking her a question. You want to groan when she gestures toward where you're sitting. You sip your drink,delicately this time, while your mind chants a mantra of 'It's worth it. It's worth it.' You can only hope he's here to ask his brother a question and leave.


All hope of a relatively peaceful, albeit awkward, coffee break washes away from your body when the man approaches your table. He spares you a glance before he flushes pink and his eyes dart away. The pink of his face clashes with the green of the hoodie he's wearing in a way that's unpleasant to look at.

"Nii-san?" 'Totty' seems surprised at the appearance of his brother. "What are you doing here?"

The newcomer looks down at you, flushes a little darker and shifts his eyes to avoid eye contact. "May I sit?" He asks.

At this point you're really starting to regret even coming back here again, even if the drinks are amazing. You sigh, softly. "Y'know, you can take the booth," you begin to slide out, "I was getting ready to leave anyway." You stand up and wipe your hands on your jeans and turning to the already seated man. "Thank you for the drink." You are almost entirely certain your voice is near sickly sweet but you don't bother correcting yourself, instead, lifting your drink off the table and making your way out of the restaurant and passed the glossy glass window that shines at the front of the cafe.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2017 ⏰

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