A RESEARCH DONE WRONG >> How an Introvert Can Be Happier: Act Like an Extrovert

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A RESEARCH DONE WRONG >> How an Introvert Can Be Happier: Act Like an Extrovert

I came across an article that made me wanna flip a table but I had to calm myself enough to express my opinion through writing. The article is titled "How an Introvert Can Be Happier: Act Like an Extrovert". The article link is in the external link if you wanna read that. Here's the rest of what I have to say:

UGHH, this article is so biased. The more I read it, the more it pissed me off.

"Introverts kind of underestimate how much fun it will be to act extroverted," said Dr. Zelenski. “You don’t think you want to go to a party and then go and have a great time."

It’s NOT fun acting like an extrovert because you’re forcing yourself to pretend that you are like the people whose personality is repelling yours. Most of the times when I was in large crowds, I felt drained and wanted out as quickly as I can, but I had to sit through my silent uncomfortable tolerance in such noise. You tell me that’s fun? And just because your idea of fun includes partying, it doesn’t mean it’s “a great time" for others.

In two studies, a total of about 150 college students were instructed to behave in an extroverted or introverted manner during a group activity. Questionnaires and cognitive tests measured how much mental energy was depleted. “We didn’t find a lot of evidence for…the idea that acting like an extrovert would wear out introverts," said Dr. Zelenski. However, he said: “We found acting like an introvert tended to wear out extroverts, who performed worse on cognitive tests."

The “idea" that acting like an extrovert would wear out introverts had barely any evidence is very vague. How do you know that the introverts didn’t feel emotionally depleted instead of just mentally depleted? This article is biased, ignorant, and lacked further research. What kind of research is this when you base your research and opinions in one-world view, in other words, how society sets the standards? So to be happy, I have to act like an extrovert? No, I’m perfectly happy being a real introvert. Rethink your research.

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