Like I said, there isn't much to say. I'm boring. There is one thing special thing about me. I'm in Drama class, but I'm not an actress. I do lights; I get to sit up high and twist the spotlights.
But that is just one thing; and it's not even that special. You seem to have a lot of special things; two different colored eyes; purple fringe; and you have your People Theories.
How old are you, for the record? When's your birthday? What grade are you in? Tell me about yourself.
A smile flickered across my face as I read the email. Then I started typing.
Lauren Smith,
Let's see...
I have heterochromia; that's the technical term for two different colored eyes. I'm also left-handed, which can be a pain. I'm seventeen; I take Art class and I mostly draw birds and flowers; my birthday is February 29th, which may be a reason I'm so obsessed with my People Theories.
They are as follows:
1. Every Person has a Dark Side
2. Every Person has a Weird Side
3. Every person has a Light Side
4. Every Person is born with equal Light and Darkness inside them
6. Every Person acts differently around different People
7. Every Person has one Fatal Flaw
I have a Dark Side; I choose to not listen to it, so it lies dormant, waiting, waiting, until I cannot hold back the Demon within me; waiting until I drown in fears and Darkness; waiting.
I have a Weird Side; I flaunt it flamboyantly; I have accepted and embraced my Weird Side; I have become it.
I have a Light Side; it is harder to listen to than the Dark Side; it tells me to help up that kid who just fell; it is about sacrifice; honor; goodness; it is difficult; I often wonder what would happen if I went Dark.
I was born with equal Dark and Light within me; I lean towards the Light and shy from the Dark; for the Light keeps me alive; the Darkness drowns me.
I act differently around different People. I am polite to my parents; jokey with my friends; shy around girls; sassy towards my teachers; I learn to chameleon my actions.
I have one Fatal Flaw. I find it hard to forgive; I hold grudges; I plot silently; I do not act upon my plots.
My mind is a terrifying place. It is Dark and Weird and Light and broken and changing.
I have also been told that I am rather poetic.
EliFor a moment, I hesitate, my mouse hovering over the Send button, afraid I might scare Lauren Smith off.
But I push the button anyways, and then I go back to my English paper, typing out a short story about a suicidal spoon.
I'm halfway through the first draft when I see that Lauren Smith has replied to me.
I'm overly happy about this, then I chide myself for being so happy. You just met her, and not even in person, idiot.
But I click my email tab anyways.
It is not Lauren who has emailed me; it is my friend, Alex. I respond to him, and then continue writing.
Then I see someone has emailed me.
Wow. I'm speechless; whoever told you that you are a poet was right.
I guess I owe you some information about me.
I'm sixteen, and my birthday is June 28th.
I feel so boring; you seem so vibrant and poetic. I feel kinda bleh compared to you.
You said I was your project; how are you supposed to unlock my Weird Side?
Lauren Smith,
Honestly, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to unlock your Weird Side. But you know what they say. Where there's a will, there's a way.
I have a will.
Do you know anybody named Way?
The Emails
RomanceLauren is your average girl. Short, a bit on the skinny side, hazel eyes, brown hair, freckles, lives in Northern Virginia, goes to Owl Creek High. Then she accidently sends an email to the wrong person, getting just one number wrong (20 instead of...