Chapter 18: Chains

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Rose's POV

It felt like I didn't sleep at all, when Danny ran into the room waking me up.

"Come on sleepyhead, we gotta get packed." He shook me before Zack jumped on top of me and bounced on the bed.

"Go away." I mumbled into the pillow. I'd finally gotten warm and fallen asleep when they barged in.

"Not happening. Come on. Luke'll be here in an hour." Zack whined.

"So. I'll sleep till he gets here." I pulled the blanket over my head and let the warmth cover me. Before Zack landed on me again, that is. He laid on top of me. Smothering me between his body and the mattress. "Get off." I mumbled.

"Nope." His arms wrapped around me before his hands found my rib cage on either side. His fingers pushed into my skin and tickled me.

"Hey!" I screamed, trying to push him off of me. "Stop it!" I laughed. He had me pinned, I couldn't get free of this horrible torture. "Alright! Alright! I give up!" I screamed. He stopped tickling me and kissed my cheek.

"Get up." He laughed, pushing up from the bed. He pulled the blankets with him, causing the freezing cold air to find me again.

"Dammit, Zack!" I laughed.

"You want it, come get it." He ran out of the room into Ryan's before I chased after him. Ryan, who was snoring on his bed, got pounced on by Zack who jumped up and down on the bed, smacking Ryan with a pillow.

"Hey!" He yelled, snatching the pillow out of Zack's hands. "I'm awake. There's no need for this." He mumbled.

"Good. Cause we need to pack." Zack said, trying to make a serious face. He jumped down from the bed and walked toward the kitchen.

I walked back into my room and into the bathroom. I grabbed my toothbrush out of my bag and brushed my teeth, before pulling a brush through my hair. I padded to the dresser and slipped out of my sweats as I shoved myself into a cold pair of jeans along with my black sweater.

As I pulled on my jacket, Zack walked in, grabbed my bags and walked out.

I, reluctantly, followed him.

An unfamiliar face stood in the lounge area.

"Um. Who's this?" I asked.

"This is Lucas. He's taking us to the boarder." Danny broke in, shoving a plate of food in my hands.

"Eggs and bacon. Wow. Real creative." I laughed. "thanks."

"Eat in a hurry. We need to leave soon." Zack informed me. "Where's Ryan?" He asked.

"I'm here. Calm down." Ryan slumped into a chair by the door.

"The carriages are out back. We'll arrive to the boarder within an hour or so." Lucas informed us.

"Right. I thought the boarder was just ten minutes from here?" I objected, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Ah. Yes. But we won't be taking the straight route to the boarder. Too risky." He smiled at me.

"Uh huh." I cocked an eyebrow at him. "And which route would that be?"

"One less traveled." He cut me off.

"Rose you'll ride with Me. Daniel will ride with Ryan." Zack told me. I nodded before Lucas opened the door.

The guys walked out into the hallway and down the stairs. I ran back to my room to make sure I didn't forget anything before Lucas appeared in the doorway.

"We're going to be late, your highness." He told me. I looked at him.

"Don't call me that." I sighed. Pain struck my temples again. Causing my knees to collapse under me. A pair of arms caught me before I hit the ground.

White light blinded me as I was taken to a place I didn't recognize. It was dark and cold. My body was shaking. Rowan stood above me, his eyes a dark red.

He didn't move. He just stood there, looking at me.

"Rowan?" He blinked, but said nothing.

I stood up and faced him. His arms were pulled back. His breathing was jagged. He was sweating.

Something was wrong. I knew it.

I glanced around the room. I was in what looked like an old cellar. Behind Rowan was a chain attached to the stone wall across from me.

His face held no emotion. Nothing what so ever. He was tensed up, his muscles coiling.

I place a hand on his cheek and he flinched. His eyes cold and hard. Like he couldn't see me. Like he didn't know who I was.

I moved behind him and examined the chains. I pulled Bobby pins out of my hair before jamming them into the cuffs around his wrists. The lock shifted and the cuffs released. Before I could think, Rowan had pushed me against the stone wall and his body leaned over me.

Fear ran through me before I could realize what was happening. The redness of his eyes faded. Slowly revealing his golden brown irises. His face was flushed and his eyes were wide with fear.

My heart ached when I understood what was going on. Tears filled my vision and began falling down my face. But all he did was lean close as his lips brushed against my ear. His breath was staggered as he spoke.

"Run." He whispered.

A bright light filled my vision again, returning me to the real world. I was in The carriage, lying down on the seat next to Zack. I touched my face to feel tears streaming down my cheeks. I sat up as he looked at me, his eyes full of worry.

"What'd you see?" He asked.

I didn't respond. I was stunned and afraid. How could I tell him? If he knew that the virus was already activated he wouldn't help Rowan.....

He'd kill him.

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