Sweet Farewell

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"Sweet Farewell"

written by mrwhize

Copyright © 2013 mrwhize. All Rights Reserved.

No part of this story either text or photo may be reproduced, copied, modified, or by any means, without indicated permission in writing from the author.


Sweet Farewell

Walk along, marching on stage

Another flip of another page

A pleasure over receiving stand

Proud success on this looming land

With this simple white fells happiness

Suit for more, not to mess

String with grasp that deems of nigh

Upon goals, to throw up high

All are yelling round of applause

Cheers of words saying for a cause

The people who stay with inspire

The ones who share greatest admire

The finale that craving for

Keeps the path ranging fore

Be with experience that is coming

Thus, tomorrow, a new beginning

But not just that

Not a period, not all lot

Think that it arts near

Call of blue, now to hear

Music plays the joy of laughter

For years that pass, it is all after

Dost then pours crystal cry

Of rhythm notes saddest goodbye

I keep listening and sounds seem

Playing in a silence dream

Singing and singing, I can’t hear

Echoing and echoing, still can’t hear

Just like the viewless wind

Like an arrow can dart is bind

Cannot run away, from omens vain

Missing this bond, cut through so much pain

How could I say bye?

If never wanted alone to fly

Will it stay the laughs together?

Much of doubt though seems forever

It is a spell, what a fatal spell

That is winding around, us like a dwell?

Those may not understand so well

Leave thy words in the swell

Am I mocked by the air?

Why is it appears so unfair

From short time, have dear of friends

Even not from the latest trends

Why can it be just a perfect reality?

And not I’m stuck in imagination, I see

It is real but not me to accept

This world full of foolish concept

I cannot hold any single sense to tell

I can hear the ring of melancholy bell

It’s time to dispersed and for aim to attain

But surely! We part to meet again

Farewell! Farewell, burst with smiles

Moments will speed more than thousand miles

Memories start like a film without sound

My words will shout a cry out loud.

Hi! Hello! Greetings of promise remain

An acquaintance with you once again

We will race an undefeatable way

We will fight the feelings of gray

My sweet farewell! A vow of forever

Not changing nor forgetting. Never!

Our place and frame will not be empty

The attachment of us is meant for eternity!

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