Chapter 41: Back To Work

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Song: No One Does It Better by You Me At Six


"You going to work?" Oliver asked as I got ready for my first day back at the tattoo shop. Fortunately, I got some tattoos done while they were on tour and now the shop is well known. Only because Mike insisted on posting pictures of the tattoos on Instagram. There was some negativity but the positive feedback outweighed the negative feedback. Plus, most of the negative feedback came from the girls that despise me for being in a relationship with Oliver.

"Yup" I replied, smiling slightly. I quickly put on some black skinny jeans, a white Drop Dead tank top, a cut off leather jacket and finally, my all black vans. I straightened out my bangs a little, applied a thick line of eyeliner and some red lipstick before I decided I was finally ready.

I looked in the mirror, and yet again, the stupid scar on my cheek made my confidence level go down lower than it already was. "Breanna..." Oliver began, he walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, burying his face into the crook of my neck he whispered, "You're beautiful. Whether that scar is on your face or not, you're still beautiful and to me... you will always be, alright? That scar is a reminder that you survived that shit. Just like all these others..." He trailed off pointing to the scars on my arms.

I dabbed my tears away and nodded. "Thank you." I said quietly before giving him a kiss on the lips.

Oliver smiled, "Do you want me to drive you?" he asked. I nodded eagerly, I wasn't exactly in the mood to walk to work.

"Let's go" Oliver kissed my cheek, he entwined his fingers with mine before walking downstairs and into the garage. While Oliver pulled out of the garage, I took the time and put on a Marilyn Manson CD I bought while we were back in America. 'The High End Of Low' is the name of the CD. I love Marilyn Manson, I've loved his music ever since I was a little girl. Of course my mother disapproved of his 'satanic' music and everything about Marilyn Manson but I loved him and his music and will continue to love it.

About 10 minutes later, Oliver stopped in front of the tattoo parlor. I gave him a quick kiss before getting out of the car and making my way into the tattoo shop. As soon as I entered the shop, I felt at ease. "Hey! You're finally back!" A familiar voice exclaimed.

I walked towards the girl with pink hair and pulled her into a friendly hug. "Hey Jay, how you been?" I asked.

Jay sighed, she ran a hand through her pink hair and shrugged. "Same old, same old. My asshole of an ex boyfriend broke up with me but I'm better off without him. All guys are dickheads." She laughed but I could tell she was hurting. "How did you get that scar?" She asked pointing to the scar on my cheek.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I mumbled and started walking towards the backroom. As soon as I walked in, I was pulled into a hug by Austin and Kat.

"Holy shit, what happened to your cheek?" Austin asked.

Alice smacked him upside his head, "Idiot! Can you be a little more sensitive?" She snapped.

Austin rolled his eyes before turning his attention back to me, "Seriously, what happened?" He asked.

"It's a long story." I sighed before walking towards my locker. I took off my jacket and placed it inside the locker.

"Oh honey, we have time." Kat grinned. I sighed, sat down in between Kat and Austin and began telling them my crazy story about the tour.

*30 Minutes Later*

"And last but not least, I'm pregnant." I finished, sighing quietly.

"Holy shit, no way?" Austin asked in disbelief. I slowly nodded my head in response.

"How far along are you?" Jay asked, her excitement was apparent by the way she was jumping up and down in her seat.

"A week and two months." I replied, smiling.

"Is it going to be a boy or a girl?" Alice asked.

"I can't find that out until the fifth month. I don't think Oli and I are going to ask, I kind of want it to be a surprise." I smiled. They all nodded in understanding. Our conversation was suddenly cut short when the bells from the parlor rang, indicating that a customer had arrived.

"I'll get it." I announced as I stood up from the couch and walked into the tattoo parlor. My eyes fixed on the tall girl standing in front of the counter, she had long, dark hair and a nose ring. "Hello." I smiled, her attention turned to me. I stared at her for a couple of seconds, she looked familiar but I don't remember from where.

"Is something wrong?" she asked.

Sighing, I shook my head and smiled, "It's just, you look familiar." I explained.

The girl laughed, "Sheffield is pretty big but I live around here so I might have passed you on the streets." She smiled "I'm Sandra, by the way."

"Oh, well it's nice to meet you, Sandra. I'm Breanna. So are you here to get a tattoo?" I asked.

Sandra nodded, "Yup, I want to get this-" she handed me me a picture of a heart with the words 'Forever Yours' sprawled across it "-on my chest."

I nodded and directed her towards my station. She sat down on the chair and quickly took her top off, she had to in order to get the tattoo done.

"So why are you getting this tattooed?" I asked in the politest voice I was able to muster up.

Sandra sighed, "This guy.... he um, well I love him... a lot... and I wanted to show him how much I love him." She explained.

"This guy, what's him name? If you don't mind me asking." I asked, smiling.

"Oliver." She replied, smiling widely.

"Cool, I have a boyfriend named Oliver too." I said as I continued to set up everything.

Sandra laughed, "Well, the name is common." she mumbled. I nodded before starting on her tattoo.

*Hours Later*

"Thanks you so much." Sandra smiled as she paid for her tattoo.

"It was no problem, you're a really cool girl." I smiled widely before handing her the change.

"Here." Sandra began as she pulled out her phone from her pocket, "Put your number in, we should hang out some time."

I nodded enthusiastically before punching my number into her phone. "I put it under Bree." I said as I handed her the phone back.

"Cool." Sandra smiled, "I'll see you around Breanna"

I waved goodbye as I watched Sandra leave the shop. "Who was she and does she have a boyfriend?" Austin asked as soon as she closed the door.

Rolling my eyes, I chuckled slightly at Austin. "She has a boyfriend, Oliver is his name. She even got a chest piece done for him so she's unavailable."

Austin groaned, "All the good ones are taken, Kat, Alice, her and you." He grumbled. Blushing, I laughed and walked into the backroom.

"Oh Breanna, did you finish up with that girl?" Kat asked. I nodded my head in response. She smiled, "Well, I'm going to close the shop up early today. I have an important meeting with some business guys. We might open up another shop in America. Thanks to you, we've gotten a lot of recognition."

"That's awesome!" I exclaimed. Happiness rushed through me, I'm so happy that Kat was able to get the recognition she deserves. She honestly works hard and deserves to be happy.


Okay guys, what do you think about this chapter? What do you think about Sandra? ^_^

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