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loubear: hey Harry!

hornyharry69: when bae texts first...

loubear: a hahahahaha yeah I'm a bit bored.

hornyharry69: oh am I the guy you text when you're bored? :/

loubear: oh Harry, no. Its not like that... I actually just really missed you, honest.

hornyharry69: WAIT really?! 😱

loubear: yeah, Haz. I missed your cute self.

hornyharry69: awwww 💗💗💗

loubear: yeah babe. So what are you doing on Valentine's Day?

hornyharry69: oh I'm not doing anything... I don't have a bf or anything... Wbu?

loubear: aw baby. I was actually going to ask you if you wanted to do something with me? I know we've never met in person or anything, but I think this would be a perfect time to meet. So, what do you say?

hornyharry69: UM FUCKING YES?!

loubear: ok baby!! I can't wait!!! 💗💗💗


a/n: I decided to update for y'all!!!!!! Valentine's Day will be interesting 😉.

Q: What are y'all doing on Valentine's Day?

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