ONE- Turkey Sanwich Guy

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            Walking the halls feels different these days; I’m lonely now that there is no one by my side, walking me to my classes. I might be exaggerating, but I swear my right hip feels colder since that is the side he always used to stand by. Now, he usually struts his latest sex toy around the halls until he gets tired of her and finds a new one. I’m starting to see him less and less every day. These days I held my head a little lower and my posture a little less than perfect, my books even seeming slightly heavier like I am carrying a burden so heavy that it actually weighs something. But as soon as fifth period comes my mood lifts just a little, knowing that I get to see him then.

            I make my way into the bland, beige walls of the lunch room and over to the table where we usually sit, finding it empty. Ethan gets here before me most of the time unless there’s something wrong, so I panick, but then I hear his laughter ring across the cafeteria. I spin around on a heel and there he is sitting at the table farthest on the other side of the room with the jocks and the cheerleaders. His head is thrown back, his eyes crinkled at the sides, and his nose scrunches in amusement as he clutches his sides. That position he’s in reminds me so much of when we were laughing together on the swings in the middle of the night, and- STOP! QUIT DOING THIS TO YOURSELF! IT’LL ONLY MAKE THE PAIN WORSE! Suddenly, it hit me: Ethan had ditched me. It’s not like that’s a first..

            Puffing out a sigh, I decide I’ll just sit here by myself. All by myself. Well at least I hope he remembers my birthday is in two weeks. Soon I find I am not all by myself anymore when I’m digging in my lunch box on my lap, and I spy another pair of feet in front of me across the table.

            I smile, whipping my head up as fast as I can, blurting, “Finally! I thought you had ditched me for a sec-“ I shut my mouth tight when I discover it isn’t Ethan who is sitting in front of me, in fact, I have no idea who he is. Of course, I barely know anyone around here anyway. I never have time to make any friends whilst spending all my time with Ethan.  The boy’s chocolate brown curls frame his face nicely, but what stands out to me most about him are his eyes. They are this amazing shade of electric green with flecks of gold sprinkled within them. I realize I am staring and quickly take fascination in the floor. Not before noticing a smirk curling up one side of his lips.

            “Expecting someone else?” The boy says with a chuckle. He opens up his Phineas & Ferb metal lunchbox and pulls out a turkey sandwich. I eye him carefully wondering why the hell he decided to sit at my table. “Take a picture. It lasts longer,” He jokes, eyeing me over the sandwich he is munching on.

            I decide to go along with the playful conversation. What can I say? I miss joking around with Ethan and I doubt that’s going to happen again anytime soon. “Two questions. First one: Aren’t you a little too old to carry around a Phineas & Ferb lunchbox?”

            He pretends like he is thinking for a moment. “Yes, yes I am.” We both burst out laughing at the classic Phineas line before he continues, “What can I say? I’m a child at heart. Next question.”

            “Why the hell are you at my table?” I ask feigning a serious face.

            His reaction is hilarious. His eyebrows shoot halfway up his forehead and his mouth drops to the table. “Uhh…”

            I can’t hold my face like that anymore, so I snicker and then it turns into laughter, which confuses him even more, which made me laugh even harder. “You-you your f-f-face was hilarious! You were so worried!” I manage to say through the giggling.

            “I thought you were mad,” He breathes a sigh of relief.

            “But seriously though. Why are you at my table?” I ask gentler this time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2013 ⏰

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